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Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has arrived, bringing a new adventure for both of the Spider-Men, Peter Parker and Miles Morales. Since Miles is a playable character in this entry, so he has many suits that can be unlocked and equipped. There are X suits total for Miles, including five suits only available as part of the Deluxe version of Spider-Man 2. Every suit has a default color scheme, with most having three additional color schemes that can be unlocked. Of course, not every suit is created equal; some are much cooler looking, with better overall aesthetics. Some of the more novel suits are funny, but you likely won’t want to spend much time swinging around New York in them. Here is every Miles Morales suit in Spider-Man 2, ranked.
39. Great Responsibility

The Great Responsibility suit takes the lowest spot on this ranking, almost purely based on the fact that is doesn’t feel like a Miles Morales suit. The red and blue aesthetic fits much better with Peter and while the hints that this is a starter suit for Miles, like the knee pads and shoes, make it make sense, but this isn’t Miles first rodeo, so dressing like this feels off. The baggy parts of the suit are a nice touch for this not really being Miles’ suit, but they aren’t visually appealing.
38. Homemade

The Homemade suit is a slightly better version of the Great Responsibility suit, in the sense that it’s supposed to be a first suit for Miles. This one works better since it feels much more like Miles suit, especially with the work boots. That said, unless you are interested in role-playing as an inexperienced Miles in Spider-Man 2, this suit is visually appealing, especially when compared to many other options on this list.
37. Life Story

Perhaps one of the ugliest suits in the game, Miles’ Life Story suit looks like a bad Ant-Man cosplay. The mask inside the helmet looks ridiculous, the metal braces and weird belt don’t feel like Spider-Man. The whole thing looks stiff, which is not how anyone should be describing Spider-Man. The spider logo looks like a strange necktie, the whole thing is pretty off putting. There aren’t many suits in this game that are straight up bad, but the Life Story suit is.
36. Sportswear

A common troupe in movies is the small child who looks ridiculous because their parents wrapped them in way too many winter clothes because it’s cold outside. This suit isn’t that silly, but seeing Spider-Man in a puffy jacket and shorts over his suit does feel cartoonish, in a bad way. This suit worked a bit better in Spider-Man: Miles Morales due to its winter setting. The most egregious thing about this suit is that the default color is red and blue, with Miles’ black and red set as one of the alternate colors.
35. Into The Spider-Verse SB

One of the silly suits for Miles, Into The Spider-Verse SB is the costume store suit that Miles gets early on in the first movie. This suit is fun and a nice addition, but it’s hard to imagine most people will want to play and significant part of the game wearing this outfit. There are wackier suits and compared to the other Spider-Verse suits in Spider-Man 2, this one isn’t all that exciting.
34. S.T.R.I.K.E.

The S.T.R.I.K.E. suit for Miles has a lot going for it. The black and red color scheme is used well, the logo on his chest looks cool, and the mask has a nice, if a bit loud, design. What holds this suit back a bit is just how chunky it looks. The logo, while cool in design, bulges out a bit in an odd way and the wrist gauntlets provide an unwanted bulk. Collars always look a bit odd on Spider-Man and the popped collar here really sticks out as an unnecessary addition.
33. Family Business

The Family Business suit has a sleek design, with its gold and black color scheme. The gold detailing, especially in the logo, looks great and this suit doesn’t have any odd pieces that stick out. The biggest downfall here is that, as the name suggests, this is a pretty classic Spider-Man suit design. It doesn’t have any flair or personality that distinguishes this as a Miles Morales Spider-Man suit, which many of his best suits do.
32. Brooklyn 2099

The Brooklyn 2099 suit is one of many red and black militarized suits that Miles can wear and is easily the least interesting. The bottom half of the suit is just baggy pants, which is extremely generic. The top half is gray-brown and red, but the over reliance on gray makes this suit pretty plain. The spider logo looks bad and overall this suit just doesn’t have much else going for it.
31. Purple Reign

The Purple Reign suit isn’t a cosplay suit like some of the others on this list, but it is definitely inspired by the Prowler’s design. The suit is, despite its name, primarily gray and green, which is a nice looking color combo, but nothing special. The overall suit design is pretty generic, and a lack of purple in a suit with Purple in its name is fairly disappointing. Nothing wrong with this one, but its nothing special either.
30. City Sounds

The City Sounds suit for Miles is a fun suit that absolutely embraces some of the more ridiculous suits the wall crawler has worn in the comics. This suit feels like Miles dressed as a 1920s mobster, complete with rolled sleeves and a pocket chain. The addition of a hat on top of his masked head is quite amusing as well. If you are looking for cool, this isn’t the suit for you and there is a decent chance that wearing this could really take you out of the experience, but its certainly fun.
29. The End

The End suit is a militarized version of Miles’ red and black suit. It features his classic mask, covering his suit with an open jacket, camo pants, and boots. This suit looks pretty cool and gives a more hardened and serious feel to Miles that might feel at home in some of the more serious parts of Spider-Man 2. The reason it doesn’t rank higher on this list is that there are several red and black more serious looking Miles suits and this one is the least inspired of the batch.
28. Forever

The Forever suit for Miles is an homage to Black Panther, which on its face is great, but a few odd design choices holds this suit back. The choice to have a hybrid between the Black Panther mask eyes and the Spider-Man mask eyes creates these elongated eyes that look strange and the stomach area of this suit has a bloated look to it. The all black design matches Black Panther, but considering the focus on black suit Peter in this game, it feels a bit bland, although some of the optional styles add a bit more flair.
27. Tokusatsu

One of the five Deluxe version suits, the Tokusatsu suit feels like a Power Rangers inspired suit. The mask, combined with the large shoulder pads, feels right out of the show, but it does add the unique addition of glowing red accents across the suit, giving it a living feeling. There really isn’t much to dislike about this suit, but there also isn’t much to make it stand out.
26. Programmable Matter

The Programmable Matter suit for Miles is tech forward suit, sporting his classic red and black with a metallic finish. This is a shiny metal suit for sure, but it has a few nice touches, like the fade to a white base on his hands and feet, adding a nice dimension to the suit. Being able to see the different metal squares on the suit takes away from how believable its flexibility is and personally, metal suits like this and Iron-Spider aren’t my favorite.
25. Most Dangerous Game

Another cosplay suit for Miles, this time inspired by one of the villains of Spider-Man 2, Kraven the Hunter. This suit features his fur coat and hunting pants, along with a gold and leather color scheme, all of which looks great as a Spider-Man suit. It’s obviously a little strange to play as Miles dressed as a different character, especially one in the game, but it does look good. The only downside to this suit is that there is one other cosplay suit that is almost perfect.
24. Dark Ages

The Dark Ages suit feels like a Symbiote-inspired suit for Miles that mostly works. It has that shiny material look that Venom has, along with Miles’ classic red and black color scheme. It also has these curled eyes that feel like a more sinister looking version of the default Spider-Man mask eyes. This suit is held back by two things. First, it has a strange hood like material around Miles neck that just looks like excess material. Second, there is another similar suit that overall works better.
23. King In Black

The King In Black suit is similar to Miles default suit, will a Knull inspired design. Knull is the head honcho of Symbiotes in the Spider-Man comics and his logo is imprinted on the chest of this suit. This one is eerily similar to the Dark Ages suit and not the nest Symbiote Miles suit, but it does have some interesting flourishes, like the pointed shoulder pads and wrapped forearms.
22. Encoded

Another Deluxe version suit, the Encoded suit is another tech forward Spider-Man suit, but this one goes for more functional than metallic look. The default color scheme is gray and yellow, but it does have some red detailing in the suit, especially in the hands, that makes sure it sill has Miles’ personality represented. The glowing yellow tech isn’t my favorite look, but overall this is a clean looking suit.
21. Advanced Tech

The Advanced Tech suit, despite its name, does an excellent job of disguising its tech focus. There are some metallic parts and a few details, like the stitching in the legs, that shows its tech-focus, but overall, it just looks like a sleek Miles Morales suit. It uses the red and black well, and the metallic finish on the red, especially the part underneath the logo, looks fantastic. It’s not as loud or exciting as some other suits, but it does look good.
20. 10th Anniversary

The 10th Anniversary suit is probably one of the most unique looking suits for Miles in Spider-Man 2. It has a pink and black color scheme, that despite not being Miles go to, still feels like it fits him far more than it would fit Peter. It also helps that the pink and black combo just looks so good. The lower half of this suit is nearly perfect, but the top half does have a strange over-sized sweater and a strange spider logo on the chest, but overall, its sleek design is great.
19. Miles Morales 2020

One of the coolest suits from Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Miles Morales 2020 makes its return. This suit features a Daft Punk style helmet, complete with headphones and a digital face. It also has a pretty sleek leather jacket with a red and black design, complete with a good looking suit underneath. The only thing going against this suit is how prominent it was in the previous game, taking away from some of its allure.
18. Classic

Almost perfectly in the middle of this list is the classic Insomniac Miles Morales suit. This design has a lighter, almost gray, black, along with a shiny red. The spider logo looks great and has a nice red V going around it, highlighting its quality. This suit doesn’t have the classic web design going across it, but its overall look is clean and sleek, certainly matching Miles’ personality. Nothing wrong with the original look and in this case, classic can mean both original and a work of art.
17. Upgraded

Just edging out the Classic suit is the Upgraded suit, which makes sense, considering it’s the upgrade version. The differences here are minor, but they make a big difference overall. The black part of the suit around and above the logo is darker and the red is darker. The red extends further down the arms and is on the bottom of his feet. All these small details makes it look a little bit better than the Classic, placing one above it on the list.
16. Smoke And Mirrors

The second highest cosplay suit on this list, the Smoke and Mirrors suit is inspired by Mysterio and it rocks. Not only does the green and purple suit with gold detailing look great, but the decision to have the Spider-Man eyes be smokey and inside the helmet is inspired. This suit does an excellent job of turning Mysterio into a Spider-Man suit and looks good while doing it.
15. Boricua

The Boricua suit is the main exception to the no red and blue for Miles, and for good reason. This suit takes the Classic design, but removes the spider logo in favor of incorporating the Puerto Rico flag into the suit. Insomniac Games has done a solid job of highlighting Miles’ Puerto Rican heritage in this series, so to have a suit that really puts it on display is a really nice touch. It also isn’t tacky, but limiting the flag to just the chest and not designing the entire suit around it.
14. Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

It’s always fun to see what Spider-Man’s suit would look like if he needed to fit in with a specific superhero team or organization. The Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. suit imagines what Miles would look like if he joined the organization and needed a uniform. It features the light blue and white color scheme of S.H.I.E.L.D. while maintaining some of that classic Spider-Man look. You can also get a red and black version of this suit if it doesn’t have enough Miles for you.
13. Biomechanical

The Biomechanical suit for Miles, one of the five Deluxe edition suits, strikes a nice balance between being a tech driven suit while still feeling like Spider-Man. The suit has a ton of added texture across the torso and using gray for those pieces on a bright red background really makes it pop. The white spider logo looks excellent and none of the added pieces look goofy or stick out. The red outlines for the eyes on the mask really makes the white eyes stand out in a positive way.
12. Agimat

Another tech-focused suit, the Agimat suit stands out among the rest thanks to its purple and gold color scheme and unique detailing. This is a Deluxe version suit, so not everyone will have it unfortunately. The gold tech detailing along with some glowing pink sections gives this suit a unique design that nothing else feels like. The only real knock against is the lack of a spider logo, which takes away from it feeling like a Spider-Man suit.
11. Best There Is

The best cosplay suit for Miles is the Best There Is suit, which is clearly inspired by Wolverine. Now, its unclear if this suit takes inspiration from just Wolverine or if this provides a hint to what Insomniac Games’ Wolverine will look like, but this suit looks great either way. It does not look like Spider-Man, but the suit looks so good that it doesn’t really matter.
10. T.R.A.C.K.

The T.R.A.C.K. suit might be one of the best “classic” suits for Miles that has ever been designed. The added white in the suit creates a bold looking suit that is striking to look at. The large red spider logo looks great on the white, and limiting the web design to just the neck and face provide another dynamic aspect to this suit. This isn’t as off the wall as some other suits, but it’s an inspired take on the Miles suit.
9. Into The Spider-Verse

The Into The Spider-Verse suit makes its return, complete with the more animated look to it. This suit really shows of Miles’ personality, especially with the graffiti logo on his chest. While he Miles in the games is a bit different than his animated film counter-part, this suit still really fits him and looks phenomenal in motion. The only reason it isn’t higher is that a sequel to the movie came out and it included a new, better looking suit.
8. Shadow-Spider

Clearly inspired by modern version of Robin’s suit from DC Comics, the Shadow-Spider creates a more intimidating and combat focused Miles. The hood and cape look great on this suit and the tougher looking material really makes this Miles feel prepared for a brutal fight. The only downside here is that there isn’t a spider logo on his chest, so if you told someone this was a Red Hood costume, they would believe you.
7. Red Spectre

Another Deluxe version suit, the Red Spectre is an excellent Miles suit. It takes the classic red and black and enhances it with some silver accents, includes a massive spider logo that wraps around him. A really nice detail is that it lets Miles hair stick out of the top, which might not be good for hiding his identity, but it doesn’t really let this suit shine as a Miles Morales suit. It’s unfortunate that not everyone will get to experience this suit.
6. Miles Morales 2099

The Miles Morales 2099 suit perfectly blends the classic Miles suit and the 2099 suit. It adds blue to the suit but uses it for accents instead of making it the main color. It adds the small spike to his forearms and introduces a hood that feels right at home. This doesn’t feel like Miles wearing another Spider-Man’s suit but makes it his own.
5. Bodega Cat

The Bodega Cat suit returns a fan favorite from Spider-Man: Miles Morales. This suit provides a winter look for Miles that still feels like Spider-Man, thanks to the large glowing spider logo on his hoodie. You get to see parts of his classic suit underneath, with the mask and legs poking out. His red shoes fit the suit very well and feel like a smart addition, not looking too out of place. Plus this skin features Spider-Cat in Miles’ backpack and who doesn’t love that?
4. Evolved

The Evolved suit is one sleek-looking Spider-Man suit. It keeps Miles’ classic red and black but adds another dimension with a blue cross on his chest and some white detailing for the spider web. It comes complete with a hood that is kept down, and Miles’ hair is sticking out of his costume here, which really helps distinguish this as Miles Morales and not just another Spider-Man suit. All three of the additional color schemes look phenomenal as well. The shoes stick out a bit here but match the aesthetic of the suit enough to not be a problem.
3. Crimson Cowl

The Crimson Cowl suit is the best of the many red and black focused suits in the game. The red takes over as the primary suit color here, with the Crimson really popping. The black works to accent the suit well, especially on Miles arms. You get the classic Miles mask, with a red hood over it and a bit of the old suit poking out of the chest. This suit also has an excellent black spider logo, completing the Spider-Man look.
2. Across The Spider-Verse

As great as the suit was from the first movie, the Across The Spider-Verse Miles suit is a work for art. The red stripe down his sides really pops compared to the black on the rest of the suit. It keeps the graffiti-styled spider logo but opts for a more refined look. The eyes on this suit are huge, really adding to the overall cartoon feel of it. While the novelty isn’t there this time around, this is still one of the best suits in Spider-Man 2.
1. Absolute Carnage

It feels appropriate that the best looking Miles suit in Spider-Man 2 is one design to look like a Symbiote given the focus on Venom in the game. This one is design to have a Carnage flair, which is shown through little bits of Symbiote sprouting around Miles in this suit. It also keeps the red and black design, with an excellent spider logo and nice detailing across the suit. It also doesn’t have any weird pieces sticking out, so there really isn’t anything to complain about here.
Spider-Man 2 is available for PlayStation 5.