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This month in February, the Full Moon in Leo is bringing all kinds of drama, passion, and overall intensity. Expect to see unapologetic, bold, and extremely emotionally charged vibes that make us really want to step into our power, take advantage of our creativity, and drop all the stuff that’s holding us back. It’s all about transformation and release this month, but since the Snow Moon is in Leo, expect everything to be just a bit more extra. This is about to be an extremely eye-opening time for us with loads of revelations, wild breakthroughs, and more self-realizations than most of us can handle, however, this energy will be extra intense for a few of the Zodiac signs on February 12th.
Under February’s Snow Moon, you’re in your element, but the pressure’s also turned all the way up. It’s time to own that power of yours and let your light shine as bright as possible. Please don’t waste your time with playing it small anymore. You might love the extra attention you get. You might hate it. Either way, you are the center of attention in every aspect of your life, whether emotional, professional, or even social. Don’t be surprised if, during this time, you experience some serious clarity when it comes to who you are as a person, and exactly what it is that you want and how to get it. However, this will be a time when you’ll probably feel some pretty strong emotions surrounding your self-worth and your most valued relationships. Though, through all this emotion and clarity, you’re in the perfect environment for some massive breakthroughs.
Focus on letting go of any fear of being seen or failing. You’re a Leo. You were literally born to stand out. Since this is your chance to step into your power, take some time this evening to set your intentions to be confident and creative and to grow in ways you haven’t before.
Rather than being in your sign, February’s Snow Moon will be opposing your sign, which will cause your relationship dynamics to get a bit wacky. There are always imbalances, and regardless of the nature of your relationships, you’ll be able to really figure out who’s in your corner and who isn’t under this Full Moon. This is the perfect time for honest conversations if you’ve been giving too much or not enough with those around you. However, this is also a time for you to experience huge emotional moments with your partner, friends, and family. You might feel like you’re a bit more sensitive than usual and have some difficulty choosing whether to do what will be best for you and what others need from you.
Now is the time to focus on ending relationships that aren’t going to help you in your personal growth. However, during this time, you should also be open to deep and meaningful conversations. It’ll be intense when the truth is revealed, but it’s what you need to achieve clarity and growth.
Stability is your thing, right? February’s Snow Moon says otherwise. Where there might have been a sense of stability before, expect to see some serious shake-ups, especially in your family, home life, and overall security. You can’t keep avoiding change. Growth is happening whether or not you like it, so don’t stress too much when emotional tension arises in your closes relationships. Take a bit and really look at your personal life. Something’s got a need for your attention and you haven’t been seeing it clearly; something that might even dredge up feeling of nostalgia, strong emotions, and a bit of sensitivity. If you’ve been ignoring it, this is the time to deal with it. No more putting it off for another day or time. It’s now or never.
Under the Snow Moon, try your hardest to release that fear of change you carry about with you. While you comfort zone is, well, comfortable, it can’t continue to serve you the way it did before. Focus on self-care and grounding rituals under the Full Moon this month. If your emotions start to feel too overwhelming, spend some time getting in touch with nature, meditating, and doing things that give you a sense of safety and security.
You thought you were in control? Not under February’s Snow Moon. The Full Moon’s pushing you right into the spotlight, and it might not be in the best way. This is the time for you to let go of a little bit of that control and accept that it’s okay to just be vulnerable for once. You don’t need to control everything; just trust the process. There will be loads of things going on today that might be a bit overwhelming, but not necessarily bad. Pay attention at work for the next couple of days. This is the perfect astrological environment for you to have a massive breakthrough in your professional life and career, as well as finally gaining recognition for something you’ve put a whole lot of work into. You’ll probably be faced with some really intense emotions, though. Even though you’ll be able to see things a lot more clearly, it’ll be pretty uncomfortable.
Under the Snow Moon, try your best to drop that fear of exposure. You’re powerful; let the world see that. Take some time to focus on your self-expression during the Full Moon this February. The world fully needs whatever it is that you have to offer.