The March 30th event for Final Fantasy XV is almost two months away. Today Square Enix released a video showcasing the game’s new combat system. Gone are the days of the Active Time Battle (ATB) system the Final Fantasy series was known for. Instead, the Active Time Report, a brand new combat system has been introduced. While no details were given on the specifics of how the Active Time Report system works, the player appears to have almost full control of which enemies they take on.

We watch Noctis and the other playable characters of Final Fantasy XV navigating through an enemy base. The base is loaded with soldiers and sentient machines in traditional Final Fantasy fashion. As Noctis navigates around, the player can choose to hide in the shadows or attack the enemies head on. In most scenarios hiding saved the player from impending doom. The stealth continued until Noctis was spotted. After being noticed all surrounding enemies were alerted to his presence.
The video then shows the playable characters taking on hordes of enemies. The player is able to switch control of characters mid-battle, a feature introduced in Final Fantasy XIII-2. After we get a feel for the combat system we are teased with a new enemy. This female clad in armor appears to be a boss. Right before we get to see her and Noctis duke it out the screen changes to a teasing Final Fantasy XV coming soon.

The video leaves a lot to the imagination but gives the viewer a feel of how the new combat system will work. From what has been shown, the Active Time Report system has shown the potential to give the series a much-needed facelift. While it’s difficult to tell from just a video, it does give people hope. All we can do now is wait for the highly anticipated Final Fantasy XV event Square has planned. Hopefully, a demo will soon be released so players can test out the Active Time Report system. Until then this video will have to do.