There’s no shortage of strange people in the world. More specifically, there’s no shortage of weird people in Florida. A man captured the moment when a Florida Boomer driving a Mustang tried to intimidate him with a staff. Yes, you read that correctly, a staff. Well, it appears to be a cane that was stylized to look like shillelagh, a type of walking stick that has a club at the top where your hand would typically grasp it. Now, when was the last time you saw an ancient Irish weapon just outside your car window?
In the video, the person recording captures a white Mustang slowing down next to his car while driving on a highway. When he comes into view, the man driving the Mustang begins to yell profanity because the man recording had allegedly cut him off. When the man behind the camera manages to convince the other driver that it was in fact, not him who had cut him off, the driver explains that he’ll just go after a different, off-screen car.
Throughout the entire altercation, the boomer has a staff in his hands, which he explains he will use to beat up whoever had cut him off. Of course, the cane was made to be able to beat people up, though part of me doubts that he knows that.
Commenters in the video’s replies were quick to make fun of the old man for his specific style of dress and cane. Once you start to think that he looks like a mage or a wizard, it becomes a lot harder to unsee.
“i do not think he shall let you pass”
The video ends before we can see if the boomer actually does hit anyone with the wooden weapon. Though, I think that might have been for the best because they are well-known for dealing some intense damage.