HoYoverse offers several tools to its players to help those who enjoy exploration and completionism. In Genshin Impact, there are several characters to find items and others to solve puzzles, but the map is not as optimized to find chests easily, and I don’t mean the hidden ones. According to leaks, an improvement to the map and exploration could be coming in Genshin Impact. This may sound good news, but many users did not take it as such; these rumors even sadden some.
Genshin Impact Leaks Show Improved Map for Better Exploration and Ease of Finding Chests

A new discussion appeared among players due to leaks mentioning that Treasure Compasses could disappear. Some users even said they enjoyed following the Compasses trail because they found it more immersive and difficult. Instead, the Genshin Impact map would show the chest’s location, similar to how the Oculus appears according to the exploration area. Also, with this improvement, it will be possible to distinguish if the treasure is near, above, or even underwater. However, it is not known if the chests that arise from a puzzle or challenge will also appear.
In response to these rumors, players who enjoyed using the Treasure Compass started a memorial on social media for this item. Many remembered when HoYoverse added the compass as a key item and how it helped them find treasures. However, some others are excited about the map upgrade, as it will make it much easier to complete the exploration of the Genshin Impact map 100% in a single day. This depends a lot more on your play style. I am thankful for this possible change because sometimes I miss the chests in front of me.
Among the complaints, it also appeared that those who said that this improvement is not only that but a whole change that will affect the mechanics of finding the chest. Another group demanded more of a change in the Interactive Map because sometimes it is useless for not being updated and has many flaws. Also, the Interactive Map could be more useful if players could synchronize it with what they have unlocked from exploration. This could also be an excellent improvement for the game; it’s an entirely different topic and could take longer. At least HoYoverse has been more involved in improving mechanics in all its games.