We’ve all been there. Tired after a long day of work, we just picked up the kids from school, and they’re screaming in the back seat. We’ve all taken that slight detour into a McDonalds because we can’t be bothered to cook that very healthy family meal you promised to make, instead settling for the relaxation and ease of golden fries from the Golden Arch. In Cambridge, Ohio, though, one McDonald’s has a giant woman shaming and judging anybody who dares enter their premises.
In a hilarious Reddit post shared by Crazey4wwe on the R/mildyinteresting Reddit page, a gigantic billboard of nobody other than Wendy from the fast food joint Wendies is placed precariously on a nearby hill. This location offers the perfect place for the zoomed-in furrowed eyebrows of Wendy to cast a harsh judgment on any Cambridge folks who decide to take a delicious detour and grab a Big Mac.
Folks on the page had a lot to say about the Ohio woman judging anybody who stopped in for a quick bite.
“Wendy is always watching.”
“Iirc, Wendy’s also had a habit of opening their stores along interstates wherever McD opened one, saving a ton on research & analysis on best locations.”
“Funny enough, I literally know and work with the agency team that came up with this. They have gotten a TON of praise and kudos (and hopefully raises, but I’m not privy to that)”
“If it’s in Ohio, I don’t doubt that it’s a reference to the Tim Misny billboards”
“Reminds me of the billboards that are just misnys raised eyebrows”
“Agreee, but it’s in Cambridge, Ohio, just off I-70 not far from the border with West Virginia.”
The billboard is a direct reference to Tim Misny’s classic Ohio billboards, with his eyebrows and zoomed-in face appearing to judge anybody who looked at them.