Since its debut with Combat Evolved, the Halo series has been designated as the go-to Co-Op FPS when you want to play through an entire action-packed story mode with a buddy. Halo Infinite was released on December 8, 2021, but it didn’t have the series’ staple Co-Op Campaign feature. Developer 343 Industries has promised it will be patched in later, but when will it be released exactly?
343 Industries had already announced that the Co-Op feature for Halo Infinite Campaign would be released in Season 2. Season 2 was previously planned for March, but the launch has been delayed. However, the Co-Op Campaign did eventually launch on launch on November 8, 2022. With that in mind, both
Before the official feature was released in 2022, a Twitter user @nobleactual found a glitch that lets you play Halo Infinite in Co-Op split-screen on