If you want Agent Carter to be continued into a third season, then Hayley Atwell is just like you. As she admitted at a Television Critics Association panel, she wants the founder of SHIELD to return. Atwell is rather clear on this, as seen after speaking about her new show Conviction.
Agent Carter explores the adventures of Steve Roger’s one-time love interest since the ending of ‘First Avenger’. Season One covers Carter’s efforts to prove Howard Stark didn’t commit treason. While, at the same time, no one takes her seriously due to being a woman in the forties.
Season 2 follows Carter to LA to help the new SSR branch set up there. Agent Carter also sometimes appears in Agents of Shield in flashbacks.

The show is popular with critics and fans due to tracking Carter’s rise to leadership. It’s popular with Hayley Atwell too and she admits to actively requesting its continuation. At the PCA, she notes;
“I hound [Marvel Studios co-president] Louis D’Esposito on a regular basis saying, ‘Give me a movie.”
Furthermore, Atwell notes that there is a lot of support for a continuation;
“All I’m saying with that is it’s still a much-loved show for the people involved in the making of it and we know that the fans, it has a special place in their hearts. That’s something that I would be very happy to go back to if the opportunity came.”
Fans can take consolation that further adventures for Hayley Atwell’s character aren’t completely impossible. With Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel getting their own movies, Carter might see a return. Marvel and DC are realizing that plenty of women enjoy superhero movies. It could be that Marvel decides that Agent Carter has enough fans to return. For now, fans can only hope.