Two new Diablo-themed characters are heading to Heroes of the Storm. In an interview with Metabomb, Game Director Dustin Browder revealed some details about the newest heroes that are joining the battle, as well as the direction that the game might be headed.

One new hero headed to Heroes of the Storm soon is Diablo 2‘s necromancer, Xul. The necromancer is known to raise skeletons and curse his foes. Xul also has poison abilities and can lock opposing heroes into place. The other new hero to join the game is Li Ming, the wizard of Diablo 3. Browder describes her as somewhat of a glass cannon, teleporting around the battlefield and bursting foes down with Magic Missiles and Arcane Orbs.

Neither of these heroes has been officially released yet, but Heroes of the Storm players can expect to see them in the near future. In the same interview, Browder mentions the direction that the metagame of Heroes of the Storm may be shifting. He states that the development team wants to move away from some of the more powerful stun chaining that they currently see. When pressed for nerf candidates, Browder says, “Tyrande is obviously vulnerable and Raynor is obviously vulnerable to having their stuns reduced. I feel Muradin doesn’t need a bunch of micro-stuns on his Avatar, for example. It is insane what he’s getting for that heroic ability.”
Heroes of the Storm is trying to join the likes of the heavy hitters in eSports, such as Dota 2, League of Legends, and Hearthstone. They recently announced the schedule of official eSports tournaments and the prizes that come with them. Now is the time to get into Heroes of the Storm. Two of our writers even named it 2015’s game of the year.
What heroes do you most want to see in Heroes of the Storm? Let us know in the comments.