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Cursed Tomb Treasure is one of the many Side Quests that you can learn how to complete in Hogwarts Legacy. However, it’s one of the few out of them that doesn’t show you exactly where to go. You actually have to follow a map to finish this Side Quest, and you also don’t pick up the Side Quest from an NPC either. You pick up up in a chest below Manor Cape. These variations from the typical Side Quests we do make it quite a bit more difficult to complete, so we’ve written a guide to try to help you through it. Keep reading to learn how to complete Cursed Tomb Treasure in Hogwarts Legacy.
Before you Begin Cursed Tomb Treasure
As always, there are certain prerequisites for every quest and side quest within the game. For the Cursed Tomb Treasure Side Quest, you will have to be at least Level 23. Additionally, you should make sure that you have already completed The Helm of Urtkot Main Quest.
Hogwarts Legacy: How to Complete Cursed Tomb Treasure

Locate the Locked Chest
You can find the locked Chest within the Basement of Manor Cape. You’ll have to be able to get through a Level 3 Lock, for which you will need to have Alohamora III unlocked. Once you power your way through any enemies you come across, unlock the chest at the end of the hallway, where you will face a couple of rather strong enemies, including the Manor’s Master.

When you look at the map, it will tell you where to go. However, the location isn’t marked on the map, so we’ve included the location here for you.
Find the Treasure
Once you’ve made your way into the Tomb of Treachery, you’ll need to follow the main path through before you can find the Cursed Tomb Treasure.

When you reach a room with an open stone coffin, you’ll have to use a fire spell to get through some spider webs and into a room with a moth puzzle door. None of the moths are in the same room, but they aren’t hard to obtain.

The first moth is to the left of the puzzle door. You’ll have to clear some spiderwebs to access a crate. Use Wingardium Leviosa on the crate and move it to the wall in front of you. Place it on the ground and use it to climb up the way to reach the first moth. Using your Lumos Spell, collect the moth and take it to the door.
Now, you’re going to head into the doorway to the right of the puzzle door after clearing away the spiderweb blocking it. There will be two moths in this hallway. Once is blocked by a spiderweb and the other is free to take right away. Move both moths back to the puzzle door and it will unlock.
Floor Puzzle

Once you enter the next room, there will be a decent amount of enemies to fight. Once you’ve taken them down, you will notice a puzzle in the center of the floor. Facing away from the door you entered into the room from, use your Flipendo Spell on the middle top stone, and the bottom left and bottom right atones. Once you’ve done this, the puzzle will be solved and it will reveal the Cursed Tomb Treasure.

This is everything you need to know about how to complete Cursed Tomb Treasure in Hogwarts Legacy. Be sure to check back for more useful and interesting information and as always, be safe and have fun!