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Want to know how to complete Disaster in Gerudo Canyon in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom? Tears of the Kingdom has a vast open world. And it has a lot of characters who need your help. Therefore, you can find many different quests by exploring locations. But some of the quests can be quite confusing, like Disaster in Gerudo Canyon. To complete it, you need to find a few people, but they are very good at hiding. So, read on to find out how to complete the Disaster in Gerudo Canyon quest in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.
How To Start Disaster in Gerudo Canyon Quest

You can start the Disaster in Gerudo Canyon by finding the NPCs that need your help, namely Quince and Nenea. And as you can tell from the quest name, they are located near the Gerudo Canyon Pass. Talk to Quince to learn that several of their group got lost in the Canyon. After this dialogue, Disaster in Gerudo Canyon will begin.
Disaster in Gerudo Canyon Walkthrough

Gerudo Canyon is a fairly large area with many caves of various enemies in Tears of the Kingdom. Therefore, finding lost travelers is quite hard. Moreover, Naia will stop you at the beginning of the Canyon. She will tell you that this is a dangerous area with blazing heat during the day and freezing cold at night. Therefore, before you pass, you need to answer a few of her questions. Here are all the correct answers:
- Stay near a fire!
- A nice, shady spot!
- Chillshroom!
- Into a cave!
Disaster in Gerudo Canyon: First Traveler (Botrick)
- Follow the road until you reach a right turn.
- On the left, you will see a cave guarded by Lizalfos.
- Defeat it and enter the Stalry Plateau Cave. There you will find Botrick hiding behind a rock.
- Defeat two more enemies so that Botrick can return to his friends.
Disaster in Gerudo Canyon: The Second Traveler (Giro)
- Follow the road again until you see white smoke.
- Walk towards this smoke to find Giro near the fire.
- Give him the Splash Fruit so he can return to his group.
Disaster in Gerudo Canyon: The Third Traveler (Garill)
- Now you need to climb the western cliff. You can just climb the rock if you have enough stamina. But if not, then you must return along the road wrapped around and turn onto the southern path.
- You will see white smoke again when you reach the top of the cliff.
- There you will find Garill who needs Spicy Pepper to keep warm.
- After that, he will return to his friends.
After finding the last traveler, you must return to Quince and Nenea. Talk to them to complete the quest. And as a reward, you will receive your well-deserved 10 Bomb Flowers.
That’s all you need to know about how to complete the Disaster in Gerudo Canyon quest in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. It is a pretty tricky quest. So follow our tips to find all travelers in Gerudo Canyon. In the meantime, take a look at our guide on how to get Non-Decayed Weapons.
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The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available on Nintendo Switch.