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Before you can get started with anything involving the Into the Light update in Destiny 2, you’ll need to complete the Feats of Bravery quest. While the quest gives you a quick introduction to the inner-workings and mechanics of the Hall of Champions and Onslaught activity, it will also require you to do a side quest before you can complete it. The process doesn’t take too long, but it sure teaches you a lot about how Into the Light works. Let’s take a look at how to complete each step in the Feats of Bravery quest in Destiny 2.
Destiny 2: Feats of Bravery – Step One

For the first step of Feats of Bravery, we’ll need to ensure that we reach a certain power level. After all, Shaxx can’t boast about how he has the most powerful Guardians in the Last City if we aren’t the most powerful, right?
- Reach Power Level 1810
- If you don’t have the equipment required, you can claim gear from the Gift of the Thunder Gods chest next to Shaxx to boost your Power Level.
Step Two

Now, it’s time to try out the new Onslaught activity for the first time. Shaxx challenges us to strengthen ourselves against the forces of the Witness in The Last City.
- Complete Onslaught
- Access the Onslaught activity from the Into the Light node on the Director and complete 10 waves of Onslaught.
Destiny 2: Feats of Bravery – Step Three

For the third step of Feats of Bravery, we’ve proven ourselves worthy of Shaxx’s Brave arsenal, and it’s time to speak with him.
- Visit Shaxx
- Head back to the Hall of Champions to talk to Shaxx.
Step Four

As we approach the fourth step of the Feats of Bravery quest in Destiny 2, we’ll need to pick up some new weapons with the new Trophies of Bravery we’ve acquired.
- Claim Brave weaponry
- Within the Hall of Champions, interact with the closest Brave chest to Lord Shaxx and spend 10 Trophies of Bravery to claim new weapons.
Destiny 2: Feats of Bravery – Step Five

Step five will require us to speak with Shaxx about the new weapons we’ve just picked up.
- Visit Shaxx
- In the Hall of Champions, speak with Shaxx to progress in the Feats of Bravery quest.
Step Six

Step six takes us to an entirely different quest. You might think of it as a sort of side quest.
- Acquire Elsie’s Rifle
- Speak with Arcite 99-40 to pick up the Stranger Danger quest.
- Complete the Stranger Danger quest, then collect your Masterworked Elsie’s Rifle from the Holo-Shaxx dedicated to that weapon.
Destiny 2: Feats of Bravery – Step Seven

For our seventh, and final step in the Feats of Bravery quest, we’ll need to head back to Shaxx and have a little chat.
- Speak to Shaxx one last time.
Destiny 2 is now available on PC,