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With the release of Episode: Revenant in Destiny 2, you’ll need a bit of a refresher on what’s going on in the system now that the Conductor has been taken care of. Na-Veskirisk takes you on a refresher course and brings you up to speed on the various issues occurring with the Eliksni and a new variation of Scorn that’s a bit of an anomaly in terms of what we’ve seen before. Let’s take a look at how to complete the Na-Veskirisk quest and mission so we can make our way into this Episode’s main event.
Step One

Join Crow on a rescue mission on on Europa.
- Complete the mission “Na-Veskirisk.”
Na-Veskirisk takes you to Europa where your primary objective is to capture Eramis alive. House of Salvation civilians have sent out a distress call in dire need. The Eliksni have been invaded by Scorn, and it’s not looking particularly good for them.
As you make your way through the mission, you’ll find groups of Eliksni prisoners locked up in cages. You’ll need to free them before the Scorn can do any more damage. Each cage can be unlocked by shooting the floating symbol above it.
After you’ve freed the prisoners, you’ll need to track down Eramis, who shouldn’t be too hard to find. Eramis will appear to be fighting alongside you, until they run from you, that is.
There’s something up with these Scorn. Rather than being created by dead Eliksni, they are the Na-Veskirisk, Scorn with living tissue. Now, it’ll be up to you to figure it out.
Step Two
Eido has an update for you on the status of the House of Light.
- Speak with Eido in the Last City.
Destiny 2 is now available on PC,