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It’s finally Saturday again, which means it’s fine to complete the new BitLife weekly challenge: the Rainbow Widower Challenge. This challenge only requires you to complete three tasks, as opposed to the four or five tasks that we typically do. However, don’t let that fool you, this quest will still be difficult and will take a decent bit of time to complete. You must be a male born in Florida, kill at least six husbands after you’ve made love to them, and one of the husbands must be killed with an elephant laxative. Crazy, right? Let’s take a look down below and exactly how to complete the Rainbow Widower Challenge in BitLife.
BitLife Rainbow Widower Challenge Tasks

Let’s take a look at the tasks we’ll be up against before we take on the challenge for ourselves:
- Be born a male in Florida
- Kill 6+ husbands after making love to them
- Kill at least one of those husbands with elephant laxative
BitLife Rainbow Widower Challenge Walkthrough
- Be born a male in Florida.
- This task is pretty simple. Either randomize your lives until you end up having a male that is born in Florida, or use the God Mode method that requires choosing your character and birthplace manually.
- Kill 6+ husbands after making love to them.
- For this, you will first need to define your identity as a female, or even change your sexuality to something that allows you to marry other men if you want to complete the BitLife Rainbow Widower Challenge.
- Head into the Activities tab, then scroll down to the Identity menu. Here, you can change information about your gender, name, and sexuality.
- Now, start looking for someone to marry. It would be wise to have a decent job or some money so you can buy a bunch of rings beforehand to propose with.
- Head into the Activities tab, then scroll down to the Love menu. From there, Check out the Gay Dating App so you can find someone to begin dating. Go through the motions with them and increase your relationship bar until it is full.
- Propose to your boyfriend by going into the Relationships menu and selecting your boyfriend’s name.
- Next choose to Propose to him, then plan the wedding.
- Once you’ve married him, choose the Make Love option from the same menu you proposed at.
- Now, is the fun part. Head into the Activities tab and go to the Crime Menu.
- Scroll down until you see the Murder option and select your husband from the list of potential targets, then your murder weapon.
- Once you’ve killed your husband after making love to him, repeat these steps until you’ve killed six husbands to get closer to completing the BitLife Rainbow Widower Challenge.
- Kill at least one of those husbands with elephant laxative.
- Repeat the steps from the previous task up until the ninth step.
- When you go to choose your murder weapons, be sure to choose Elephant Laxative.
BitLife Daily Quest: How to Complete (September 16)
We hope you found our guide on how to complete the BitLife Rainbow Widower Challenge helpful.
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