There are many reasons to be looking for a hospital in Warzone DMZ mode. No, being sick ain’t one of them, but finding some items like AFAK and IFAK are the reasons that some players are looking for these locations. Some DMZ missions might also need you to get to a hospital to complete. Whatever the case, if you want a hospital, then you should be heading towards the Al Mazrah. This is the only map in the DMZ mode that has 6 hospitals in it, and here’s how you can find them.
Where are the hospitals in Warzone 2 DMZ?

Warzone DMZ hospitals are scattered around the Al Mazrah map, so anywhere you deploy from the start, you should be able to reach at least one of them pretty quickly. If not, pick a ride, and follow our instructions below to find each health center.

Hospitals in Warzone 2 DMZ can be tricky to find. The first one on the list here is in Al-Mazrah City. North of the Maziwah Marshlands and south of the city with tall buildings.

You can find the second one near Rohan Oil near the gas station.

This third spot is a bit tricky to find. Just look south the Sawah Village, and you can see the signs of the 3rd hospital.

This next hospital is located far east of Maziwah Marshlands. Across the river, you will find many buildings, and across the gas station, you can find the hospital.

Warzone 2: How to Complete Medical Diagnosis Mission in DMZ
South-west of the previous location, you can easily find the next hospital in Warzone 2 DMZ.

This is the last one on the list of hospital locations in Warzone 2 DMZ. It is on the southeast side of the Sai’id City, and It’s usually crowded with enemy AIs.
Finding Hospitals in DMZ mode is a good way to get early loot in the game. For instance, two important things that you’ll find in these health centers are the Revive Pistols and Self-Revive kits. DMZ mode is where you might fight 10 level 3 NPC guards and a player at the same time; so having something to revive yourself and your teammates with is a blessing. Other than that, a hospital is just another building to loot in DMZ.
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