Multiplayer not working error may cause you to not be able to enter any game in For The King 2, have infinite loading screens, or have connection losses. It’s really annoying to have to deal with such problems instead of enjoying the game. However, we know a way to get you out of the trouble. For The King 2‘s developers say that you can fix this error using this method:
- Click “Multiplayer” and head to the server menu.
- Select a region in the top left. The region is set to “Null” by default, so no one can actually make use of it.
- After that, joining multiplayer servers will be possible and you won’t get this error again.
If it doesn’t work, try the following ways to fix the multiplayer not working error in For The King 2:
- Create a random public game and set a password. Wait a little bit until players enter your server. Somehow, this works the problem completely.
- Restart your game, PC, or router.
- Uninstall and reinstall For The King 2.
- Delete all files in the AppData\LocalLow\IronOak Games\For The King II folder and install the game again.
For now, these are the ways to circumvent this error message. If your error persists, you may need to wait for the new update to come and resolve this error.