Thanks to its unique world and design, Grounded has become one of the most popular multiplayer games made by Obsidian. The game is easy enough to learn but complex at the same time to keep players engaged. Gathering resources like Gnat Fuzz is one of the main goals of the in Grounded, but in can be tricky to obtain.
Where to Find Gnat Fuzz in Grounded

Recently a new update for Grounded was released that added a playground to the game and players are looking to get some Gnat Fuzz. Gnat Fuzz is one of the essential materials to make Spring Bow, Gas Mask, or Stuffed Bombardier. Each of these craftable items can be used to hunt bigger insects. You can get Gnat Fuzz by hunting down Gnats and killing them. Gnats aren’t uncommon creatures and you can easily find them in Central Grasslands, Flooded Zone, and Oak Hill.
The biggest challenge of obtaining Gnat Fuzz in Grounded is hunting down the Gnat. These are agile creatures with difficult flight patterns. So hunting them straight forward will make the process frustrating. Instead, it is best to use Spoiled Meat Slurry to lure gnats and then attack them. This item can be used to tame Gnats but since we need their Fuzz we will use it as bait to get close to them and then kill them.
Grounded: How To Get Pupa HideYou can make Spoiled Meat Slurry by grinding the Spoiled Meat. Once you’ve got that, make sure you grab a Gas Mask or at least use Gastro Goo. These items will make you immune to the gaseous aura of Gnat as you get close to them. Once you’ve killed them, you can look at Gnat Fuzz and Raw Gnat Meat from their bodies.
That was everything about finding Gnat Fuzz in Grounded. Make sure to check our website for more Grounded guides and content.
Grounded is available for PC,