The most popular Armor Sets in WoW are the ones that feature a unique and well-crafted look, with the Heritage Armor Sets being perfect examples of this. These are Armor Sets that are exclusive to each race and are completely transmoggable. This means that you will be able to change the appearance from any armor type to the Heritage Armor. This, in turn, will allow you to take care of your quests and explore the world with your favorite mount while sporting a powerful and stylish Armor Set. Get ready, here is how to get Heritage Armor Sets in WoW Dragonflight.
How To Collect Heritage Armor Sets in WoW Dragonflight

To collect Heritage Armor Sets in WoW Dragonflight, you will have to level up your character to level 50. This is the core requirement for all race types. Thanks to a recent update, you will no longer need to grind any more Reputation. Further requirements will vary depending on the race type of your character.
If your character is of an Allied race, they you will have to level up to level 50 without using Recruit-A-Friend, Character Boost, Race Change, or Faction Change bonuses. Then, you will be quested to speak with your faction leader in their corresponding character. This will result in your character getting the WoW Heritage Armor Sets pertaining to their specific race.
If you have a Core race character, then you will have to level up to level 50 and then complete a questline that is unique to every of the core races. There are no other requirements or restrictions in the case of Core races. Once you complete the questline, your reward will be a WoW Heritage Armor set, specific to the race of your character.
You will find below a list of the available races which will be able to get Heritage Armor Sets in WoW. Then you will be able to check the available Heritage Armor Sets for both the Allied races and the Core races in World of Warcraft.
Alliance Races | Horde Races |
Dark Iron Dwarf Dwarf Gnome Human Kul Tiran Human Lightforged Draenei Mechagnome Void Elf Worgen |
Blood Elf Goblin Highmountain Tauren Mag’har Orc Nightborne Orc Tauren Vulpera Zandalari Troll |
WoW Dragonflight Allied Race Heritage Armor Sets List

Allied Race | Heritage Armor Set |
Void Elf | Heritage of the Ren’dorei |
Lightforged Draenei | Heritage of the Lightforged |
Dark Iron Dwarf | Heritage of the Dark Iron |
Kul Tiran | Heritage of Kul Tiras |
Mechagnome | Heritage of the Mechagnome |
Nightborne | Heritage of the Shal’dorei |
Highmountain Tauren | Heritage of Highmountain |
Mag’har Orc | Heritage of the Mag’har |
Zandalari Troll | Heritage of the Zandalari |
Vulpera | Heritage of the Vulpera |
WoW Dragonflight Core Race Heritage Armor Sets List

Core Race | Heritage Armor Set |
Dwarf | Heritage of the Bronzebeard |
Gnome | Heritage of Gnomeregan |
Worgen | Heritage of Gilneas |
Human | Lion’s Heritage |
Blood Elf | Heritage of the Sin’dorei |
Tauren | Heritage of the Shu’halo |
Goblin | Heritage of Kezan |
Orc | Heritage of Draenor |
How To Complete When Time Needs Mending in WoW Dragonflight
Now that you have your Heritage Armor Sets, be sure to sport them while fighting your way through every future quest. These Armor Sets will be a great fit for any of the races listed above. Just continue leveling up your character and you’ll be good to collect your reward in World of Warcraft.
World of Warcraft Dragonflight is available now on Windows and macOS.