To tackle the grittiest and most dangerous missions, your SWAT unit must be the best in Ready or Not. Once the mission is complete, the team is graded based on their performance. If your team does well, then you score high. The most coveted score in Ready or Not is the S Rank, yet the requirements are tough to the point that it’s rare to get it. It’s not necessary to earn, but it gives you some bragging rights. So, let’s figure out the best way to get to S Rank.

The main requirement for the nearly impossible S Rank in Ready or Not is to complete every objective. Not only that, but you must do so without anyone dying during the mission. The second someone dies, even those hostile gunmen whose goal is to kill you, you’ll lose out on the highest rank.
When it comes to the objectives, what you must do varies based on the map you’re on. Some have civilians to save, while others don’t. But for the S Rank score, don’t forget the Soft Objectives in Ready or Not. They ensure you’ll achieve 100% completion for the mission.
How To Keep Everyone Alive

The hardest feat to obtain the S Rank in Ready or Not is the no-killing aspect. So, the first thing you should do is ensure your entire team is equipped with Less Than Lethal (LTL) weapons like the following:
- Beanbag Shotgun
- Taser
- Tactical grenades (e.g. flash, stun, smoke)
Don’t become too excited about these weapons. Keep in mind that most of them are less lethal, not non-lethal. There’s still a chance a beanbag shot to the head can accidentally kill someone. Also, the effectiveness of these weapons isn’t guaranteed. Smoke grenades won’t impact a masked enemy as much, for instance. So, focus on the enemies in question and come up with a solid tactical plan to deal with them.
To score S Rank in Ready or Not, the best you can do is lower the enemies’ morale to the point that they surrender and drop their weapons. The more LTL weapons you use, the better chance you get to kill their morale. From there, all you have to focus on is achieving the main and side objectives.
With how realistic Ready or Not plays out, it can seem like you’re fighting an uphill battle to earn the S Rank. But it’s all worth it in the end. Plus, for the completionists out there, you can also earn the “Medal of Valor” achievement.