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elda games generally have a lot of materials to collect. Most of them, such as Octorok Tentacles, are used for cooking, and some for dyes. It is one of the cooking items you must collect in the game. This guide will tell you how to get the Shock Fruit in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Finding Tears of the Kingdom Shock Fruit Locations

You can get Shock Fruit in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom at Hyrule near Eagus Bridge and East Necluda. These locations are the best places you can farm them. The above map shows the exact locations of these places.
The east Necluda region is the best location to farm the Shock Fruit as it has many around the Meda Mountain area. Generally, small trees can give you three fruits, and Naturally, they can be found near mountains, between wooden platforms, and near rocks.
What Is Shock Fruit?
As mentioned earlier, Shock Fruit in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is a cooking material. Also, you can use it on a weapon, arrow, or shield to get the fuse effect. Generally, most of the material cannot be used on all three weapons, but Shock Fruit is one of the unique ones. It gives you the fuse effect when applied to any weapon, shield, or arrow, and it can be used to get a higher level of damage.
Also, when cooked correctly, it is a tasty food that simulates the consumer’s muscles and grants increased attack power during thunderstorms. One of the fan-favorite dishes is Fruit and Mushroom Mix, and many other recipes include Shock Fruit as an ingredient. Once consumed, it restores 0.25 Hearts, and the buy price of it is 12 Rupees, while the selling value is only 3 Rupees.
Therefore, Shock Fruit in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is essential in-game. It can also be used to make recipes for the most delicious dishes. It is a great item and can help you in many situations. Be sure to stock up on them as you progress through the game, and you won’t regret it. If you want other cooking materials, watch the video below from Austin John Plays.