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What good would a social game like Roblox Type Soul be if you couldn’t trade with other players? You can use codes to get ahead, but trading with players on your server is the best way to get the accessories and weapons you want. Before you get into it, make sure you know the value of what you want to trade to avoid getting scammed and get your worth!
How Does Trading Work in Roblox Type Soul?
[Updated on May 1 – Added more accurate information]

To trade in Type Soul, you need to:
- Go to Karakura Town.
- Find the NPC named Rin.
- Talk to them to trade with other players on your server.
Finding Rin in Type Soul

Finding Rin is easy, especially if you’re already familiar with the ins and outs of Karakura Town. To locate this NPC, head towards the bridge at the center of the map. The side of the bridge that has all of the skyscrapers is the side you want to be on. After walking an in-game block after the bridge, you’ll come across a football field on your left-hand side. In front of the football field, which would be your right-hand side, you’ll see Rin.
To trade using Rin in Type Soul, simply click on the NPC. You’ll be asked if you want to trade, in which you’ll select the Yes option. You’ll be met with two windows. On the left is a list of all the players in your server that you can trade with and on the right is a window that you can place items to trade in.
I recommend being careful when making trades because the player you’re trading with can end the trade immediately and take the item that you were trading without trading something back. This happened to me while I was looking into how to trade efficiently. I highly recommend never putting a high-value item into the trade box until after you’ve verified what you will be receiving in a trade.
Roblox is available to play on mobile devices,