There’s nothing better than being reminded of ancient times, facing the dangers of the planet, an inhospitable climate, and the fear of finding something to eat every day. In this game, you can relive that feeling and feel the adrenaline pump through your body as you run to your nearest capsule for food. But don’t worry, if you prefer a more relaxing and safer experience, you can create the Food Grower in The Planet Crafter. This device ensures a constant food supply, eliminating the need for constant foraging. Harvest your own snacks and fresh vegetables on an unknown and arid planet with ease.
The Planet Crafter: Food Grower Guide
The Food Grower is not available from the beginning of the game. It is easier to unlock it mid-game because you must reach 1200 Oxygen in The Planet Crafter to get the recipe. My recommendation to quickly increase the Oxygen is to search the wrecks for capsules of plant seedlings and create several Vegetubes to grow plants. It also helped me create several bases scattered around the map to have more places for my Vegetubes. Once you get the recipe, it will appear on your screen; although, to make a basic Food Grower, you will need:
- x1 Aluminium
- x1 Iron
- x1 Water Bottle Water Bottle (Exchange x1 Ice in the Craft Machine)
While you are exploring the wrecks and crates on the map, be sure to always bring with you seed packages. With your Food Grower ready, right-click on this machine to place any seed you prefer or see what food you are growing. Ensure you have enough power sources because the Food Grower consumes -15kW/s, and it is slower to grow your plants 100%. Try to have food in reserve and have at least two food growers so that you have fresh food constantly and your life is full.
The Vegetube T2 will make the process faster, but for this one, you must reach 3500 Biomass and have some Super Alloy pieces.