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In Fontaine, players face a large and complicated map with different levels and underwater caves. Although it helped to expand the exploration of Teyvat, it has made it difficult for some users. Some people may find it complicated to find some teleport waypoints or complete missions. The Liffey Region is an example of this, so here we explain how to unlock the secret waypoint in this area of Genshin Impact, one of the waypoints you’ll find after beating the new Millennial Pearl Seahorse boss.
[Updated on August 16, 2024 – Clarified information and added more images]
How to Find Millennial Pearl Seahorse in Genshin Impact
Before we find the Liffey Region Secret Waypoint in Genshin Impact, we must find the Millennial Pear Seahorse, the boss that guards this area. To reach the area of this boss, you must follow these steps:
- Use the underwater Liffey Region Teleport Waypoint, the one just below the Millennial Pearl Seahorse icon.

2. From the Teleport Waypoint, you will see a vigilance tower of the Fortress of Meropide at your left. To your left, following the sand path is a cave. Swim to the cave; at the bottom of the entrance, you will encounter a sealed chest guarded by Bubble Seahorses and Armored Crabs.

3. Inside the cave, water currents will help you swim faster until you reach an area with air where you can walk. When you come out of the water, there will be a waypoint to unlock the location of the Millennial Pearl Seahorse.

Genshin Impact: Liffey Region Secret Waypoint Location
Don’t worry; you don’t need to face or defeat the Millennial Pearl Seahorse to unlock the secret waypoint of the Liffey Region. To find it, follow these steps:
- Continue along one of the sides of the battlefield where the seahorse is resting.

2. There will be several slime enemies along these paths. When you get just behind the Pearl Seahorse, you will find a small pond that allows you to dive. There will be more underwater currents that will guide you to the next air exit.

3. There will be another teleport when you get out of the water. That teleport is the Liffey Region Secret Waypoint in Genshin Impact.

Fontaine has a complex system of sea currents, underwater caves, and other secret waypoints in Genshin Impact, which makes finding the Liffey Secret Waypoint location challenging. Remember that unlocking waypoints is essential for your exploration percentage. Plus, it helps to find ascension materials for your characters and to complete your daily Encounter Points Stages. If that wasn’t enough, unlocking teleports will help you to complete achievements that will give you Primogems.
Don’t be afraid of exploring Fontaine’s new areas, as all of them are rewarding. You could even start farming certain materials for future characters and level them up before any other Travelers.