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With any new game, there are the important things you must focus on first, like how to upgrade weapons and armor in Monster Hunter Now with resources. The task is quite simple, but it may take some time to get the hang of. First, you’ll need to collect resources that can be found throughout the world. Next, you should check out what all you have for weapons and armor and see the requirements. Finally, dump those resources into your gear and make them better. Let’s talk a bit more in-depth about how to upgrade weapons and armor in Monster Hunter Now.
How To Collect Resources in Monster Hunter Now

To find resources in-game, you must venture out into the great unknown–or your hometown—either work. You can see resources marked on the map by icons hovering above the ground. Whenever you approach them, they will appear as bundles of raw resources on the ground, assuming you are close enough to their location. Once you can see them, tap on each bundle of resources to collect them.
In addition to resources, you will also need Zenny, one of the Monster Hunter Now currencies, to upgrade any gear. Typically, you will need either 10 or 20 for the first level. The amount increases every time you upgrade your gear. Obtaining Zenny is quite simple. It’s dropped by monsters when they are defeated.
Upgrading Weapons and Armor in Monster Hunter Now

Upgrading your weapon and armor in Monster Hunter Now is quite simple. After you’ve collected all the resources you need, it’s time to start upgrading. For the first few upgrades you make to your weapons and armor, you will only need to have a small amount of Iron Ore.
For the Hunter’s Knife, you will need:
- 10-50 Zenny
- 2-4 Iron Ore
For each piece of the Leather Armor, you will need:
- 20-100 Zenny
- 2-4 Iron Ore
Select the Equipment button on the bottom portion of your screen, directly to the right of your character icon. Here, you can swap between your weapon and armor by selecting the corresponding tabs. Select the piece of gear out of each tab that you’d like to upgrade, then select the Level Up button that appears below the display of your gear. This will take you to a screen that shows how much the stats on your gear will change when upgraded, then, select the Level Up button at the bottom of that screen to upgrade your weapons and gear in Monster Hunter Now.
How To Use Referral Codes in Monster Hunter Now
We hope you enjoyed reading about how to upgrade your weapons and armor in Monster Hunter Now.
Monster Hunter Now is now available on mobile devices from the App Store and the Google Play Store.