A video clip has emerged on TikTok, and been picked up by Reddit, of an embarrassing in-flight brawl. According to the poster, the brawl meant the Antalya, Turkey to Leeds, UK flight had to make an emergency landing in Bulgaria, doubling what should have been a four-hour flight.
In the clip, two thuggish-looking men punch and headbutt each other. The Jet2holidays flight attendants try to break up the brawl at first, before sensibly giving up. No sense in getting hurt by such stupidity, after all.
The men, one in a black tee and the other in a green and white one, grapple with each other while the other passengers look on, disgusted and bewildered. The in-flight brawl takes a bizarre turn, however, when green and white tee starts biting black tee’s neck. One Redditor expressed their dismay: “WTF! did he just start biting the guys neck half way through!?” It certainly seemed that way, showing the sort of person we’re dealing with here.
The black tee guy, however, mostly limited himself to grappling with green and white tee. As one commenter puts it, “Black top guy just ate those headbutts like tapas.” Another noted that he showed impressive restraint, particularly while being bitten!
Although the clip undoubtedly shows a disgraceful brawl, it’s made more amusing by the poster’s choice of soundtrack. Rather than the original audio, the clip is dubbed with Jet2holidays promotion for its vacations. The cheerful, excitable advertiser make a hilarious disconnect with the unseemly brawl going on. As one Redditor puts it, the original audio likely would have featured “a completely useless person screaming.” And there’s something very funny about hearing the advertiser implore us to “book now” while two thugs brawl with each other. These guys are taking the “nothing beats a Jet2holidays” refrain a little too literally, as they pummel each other.
It would be nice to think the in-flight brawl only affected those directly involved, but unfortunately that isn’t true. According to the poster, the Antalya, Turkey to Leeds, UK flight had to make an emergency landing in Bulgaria. We can only hope these two thugs were ejected in Bulgaria and banned from flying for a long, long time. They don’t deserve anything else after causing such disruptions to dozens of other passengers.