Borys Kit of The Hollywood Reporter took to Twitter to reveal the big announcement:
“Indiana Jones will swing into theatres later than initially expected: it moves to 7/10/20 from 7/19/19.”
This shouldn’t really be a surprise given all of Disney’s success with Star Wars. Therefore, it makes sense for them to want to focus more on the sci-fi cash cow that’s been breaking box-office records. But as many viewers know, Lucasfilm is also home to Indiana Jones. There have been 4 previous films, with the more recent one becoming more forgettable as time goes on. However, rumors about a fifth installment were always prominent since Crystal Skull‘s release. Finally, Disney confirmed just last year that another Indy adventure is on its way.

Steven Spielberg is, of course, set to return to the director’s chair once again. Hey, as long as there’s no angsty Shia LaBeouf pretending to be cool, I’m good. Delaying the film will also give Spielberg more time to develop the film. For those unaware, the legendary filmmaker has three films in the pipeline right now. The Post is scheduled for release this fall, Ready Player One next spring and The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara has an undisclosed release date. It’s apparent that Spielberg is a tad busy at the moment on other projects so if he needs the extra year to make sure Indiana Jones 5 is done right, so be it.
However, this wasn’t the only release date announced. It was only one in a slew of new release dates from Disney as Star Wars: Episode IX and The Live-Action Lion King were also announced. With Disney so busy on these other projects, it appears they will certainly have their hands full. In the meantime, let’s all keep anticipating Indiana Jones 5 and how awesome it’s going to be… we hope.
Announced Release Dates From Disney:
Indiana Jones 5:
July 10, 2020
Star Wars IX:
April 24, 2019
Frozen 2:
November 27, 2019
The Lion King (Live-Action Remake)
July 19, 2019
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