There are some positive people out there in the world genuinely trying to do what they can to make things less terrible. Everything is not just Karens destroying people’s lives or people feeling entitled to something that doesn’t belong to them. Sometimes, it’s people trying to do their part to try and make their community or local places a better place. One TikTok influencer posted a video of her and a friend doing just that when they tipped an iHop employee during Halloween.
The TikTok video depicts two girls, Emiru and Extraemily, in Halloween costumes at an iHop after a long day. As the two girls make conversation with their waitress, they learn that their server actually has a second job since she works full-time as a high school teacher. Despite that, the woman ensured the two girls had a great meal with incredible service. So, when time came for them to pay for the check, they decided they would leave her a tip she deserved: $2,000.
When the woman noticed the tip, she immediately thanked the influencers for their generosity, continuously looking at her phone to be sure that the number she was looking at was real because instead of leaving the tip on the receipt, they Venmoed it to her. That means that she gets the entirety of the tip! While this isn’t necessarily something that the two girls typically post on TikTok, it gave their fans a different look who the influencers’ really are.
The replies were filled with commenters expressing their joy that the woman had her day made and disappointment that a high school teacher needs a second job.
“no teacher should be serving tables 😭”
Hopefully, the money was able to go very far. I understand that it doesn’t mean that she can quit her job, but $2,000 is enough money to help most people out of a few tough spots.