Regardless of which side of the political spectrum anybody leans, it’s safe to assume we all value spending quality time with our friends and families in relative peace. However, for the vice president of the United States, quiet time can sometimes come crashing down based on who is around, which is what happened to J.D. Vance in Waitsfield during a ski trip.

In a post by RoyalChris on the r/publicfreakout Reddit page, a video was posted highlighting some protestors coming at J.D. Vance and his family as they are skiing together. You can see the video in that post or on TMZ where it originated from. As he approaches the bottom of a hill, a protestor shouts out the following.
JD, how does it feel being Putin’s puppet?
The footage then shows them watching him and his family continue skiing as they did their best to ignore the protestors’ comments. This is, of course, brought on by the insane argument between Ukrainian president Zelenskyy and Donald Trump at the Oval Office, which has been cross-examined and commented on by the entire world at this point. Here is what some Reddit users thought of the Waitsfield protestors’ snide remark.
“He didn’t wear a suit or even thank the governor of Vermont. So much disrespect.”
“What kind of leader goes on vacation this early”
“How did the secret service allow this? How are they supposed to secure a whole mountain?”
“Imagine how out of touch tiny pants vance has to be to think he would be welcome in Vermont or indeed in public after such disgraceful behavior in the oval office.”
“He went to the home state of Bernie Sanders. He expects a warm welcome atfer humiliated Americans on worldwide stage, he aren’t going to get it any way”
It probably wasn’t too bright for J.D. to trek into Bernie Sanders’ home state of Vermont and expect a warm welcome, even during winter. Next time, he should probably choose his next vacation spot a bit more carefully.