Legendary rockstar and frontman of the Doors, Jim Morrison, is the topic of a new Apple+ three-part docuseries Before The End. The series is based on Doors fan Jeff Finn, who spent a considerable amount of time researching the singer. He has come up with some wild information. He believes there’s concrete proof that reveals the circumstances surrounding the Light My Fire singer’s death may not be completely accurate.
Jim Morrison led a life of excess. It was all sex, drugs, and rock and roll for the singer, during the late 60s and 70s. Morrison reportedly died in 1971 in Paris at the age of 27. However, according to the Daily Mail reports, docuseries creator Jeff Finn has reportedly uncovered many reasons that lead him to believe Jim’s alleged death may not have taken place.
Finn believes that Jim Morrison is still alive, 54 years after his alleged death. The Apple+ series reveals he has good reason to think not only did Morrison fake his death, but the singer is still alive.
The docuseries touches on many details that have sent conspiracy theorists into a frenzy. Finn states that the details of Jim Morrison’s alleged death are sketchy, to say the least. First Jim’s girlfriend, Pamela Courson’s account of the Doors frontman’s passing was hazy and changed a couple of times.
At first, she claimed Morrison had died. Her story later changed to a detailed account of finding Jim in their apartment bathroom, dead in the tub.
No autopsy was performed on the famous entertainer, which many have always questioned. Numerous rumors state that Jim Morrison died from a heroin overdose, and was carried back to his home. However, his death certificate stated the cause of death as congestive heart failure. It was also signed by a doctor, who mysteriously disappeared without a trace.
Jeff Finn also discovers some startling information that reveals that Jim Morrison’s social security number is still active. It was also traced to New York. Oddly enough, Finn is allegedly not the only one who believes Jim may have faked his death.
Fans Compare Jim Morrison Death Conspiracy To Elvis Presley
Per the documentary, Doors keyboard player Ray Manzarek also strongly believed his friend faked his death. The documentary shows Finn later introduced to a man he calls FrankX, who was friends with the band’s drummer, John Densmore.
The mysterious and elderly Frank, who allegedly resembles Jim Morrison, lives in New York and works as a maintenance man. The docuseries is a fun but seemingly far-fetched idea. The show is not endorsed or authorized by the singer’s estate or record company.
Jim Morrison conspiracy theories have always been a favorite of fans. It ranks up there right along with that of the late Elvis Presley. Presley is another beloved star whom fans have had a tough time accepting his death. Recent conspiracy theories also indicate that Elvis Presley faked his death. It is also suggested that he, too, works as a groundskeeper at his Graceland home in Tennessee.
“This story sounds familiar its all very Eddie and the Crusiers-like,” writes one fan. “So, both Jim Morrison and Elvis Presley faked their deaths. And each is still alive today, working as a maintenance man. What are the odds,” quips, another.
“If he is then he’s 82. Let’s leave this man alone. If he’s not alive, and this FrankX resembles Jim, let’s leave him alone too,” suggests a third fan. “Next story. Jim and Elvis record new music together, move on people.”
The comments regarding the alleged Morrison death hoax are causing quite a debate among fans. To suggest that either of these music legends faked their deaths, and are still alive, is grasping at straws. While the idea is fun, the odds are next to zero. However, stranger things have happened.
Before the End: Searching for Jim Morrison is currently streaming on Apple+.