Star Wars is the pop culture equivalent of Captain America’s shield. It’s the combination of cool ingredients that makes something amazing. And George Lucas is the guy who fell asleep while it was mixing together; no matter how hard he tried, he could never repeat the success.
Meanwhile Marvel has been proving that to make something nerd gold, just apply Joss Whedon. With Whedon’s time at the MCU helm coming to an end, it would be cool if he got involved in Star Wars. It makes sense; Disney owns both and it would be awesome.

As it turns out, he agrees.
While at IGN towers (where he crushed our hopes of a Planet Hulk adaption) Whedon expressed interest in the Galaxy far, far away;
“Right now I’d be interested in a long nap! But are you kidding? It’s Star Wars! It’s always going to be Star Wars!”
As epic as Whedon at the helm of Star Wars would be, the Firefly creator is not keen on a crossover between Disney’s two properties;
“I rule out nothing, but I think it would not be my choice. You have two enormously strong, very textured universes. To say we have just the one would be to in some way dilute them. I think it makes sense to keep them in their own time, which I believe was long ago and not so close by.”
First Planet Hulk, now a Marvel crossover, Whedon clearly isn’t one to get carried away. Still, maybe that’s what makes his work so high quality.