Kim Kardashian is in mourning. The reality star has been struggling lately and claims she needs another significant change in her life. She is feeling bored and unsatisfied. Most fans know Kim will go to extremes and spare no expense to make whatever changes she deems necessary when she is in one of her moods.
If you have been following The Kardashians, you know that family members constantly undergo procedures to change their appearance. Over the years, Kim Kardashian has changed a lot about her body. Her weight has fluctuated, and Kim has seemingly lost most of her famous curves in the past few years.
However, inside sources tell Life & Style that Kim Kardashian is ready to change her appearance once again. She is also willing to take risky and drastic measures to return to her former thicker self.
The Kardashian informant states, “Kim is done with her starvation diet and is now saying she misses being thicker,” the source reveals. “She’s eating what she wants again but also saying she will get help from the plastic surgeon to make sure she balloons out in all the right places. It’s not like she wants the weight going to her waist. She’s particular and only wants some added fat on her hips, boobs, and butt.”
Of course, it would be fairly easy for Kim to bulk up and add some additional weight. But she is very specific about where she wants the curves and has been seeking consultations from the Kardashian family plastic surgeon.

The Hulu reality star, 44, is so set on achieving what she considers perfection with her body that she is willing to put her life at risk by undergoing more plastic surgery. Some Kardashian fans can’t believe Kim is willing to put herself at risk, considering that her ex-Kanye West‘s mother, Donda, died in 2007 following complications of coronary artery disease and multiple post-operative factors from cosmetic surgery.
Kim Kardashian Willing To Risk Her Life Undergoing More Risky Plastic Surgery
While Kim Kardashian is reportedly extremely health conscious and likely much healthier than Kanye’s late mother, all surgeries pose some form of risk. So, her fans are questioning the mother of four’s willingness to take the risk.
However, according to the insider, “Kim’s “money and no holds barred attitude towards surgery,” she can “easily” make her body dreams come true “with fat transfer procedures.” They add that Kim Kardashian’s doctor has explained that they can use her body fat to sculpt areas where she does want more curves. “It’s very sci-fi, but it’s not all that uncommon these days, especially not in Kim’s world.”
It seems rare within the KarJenner family unit that one member does not undergo some form of plastic surgery. At times, it appears to fans that the family’s surgeon’s office has a revolving door specifically for them.
Kim Kardashian has faced numerous rumors regarding the changes to her physical appearance. Mainly speculation that she has gotten butt implants. Kim has denied the rumors, often laughing them off. But now it seems she has moved past worrying about rumors and speculation.
Previous reports state that Kim Kardashian feels she is in her best era. She is no longer concerned about what anyone thinks. It sounds like Kim Kardashian is ready for the return of her ‘thicker era’ in 2025. So get ready for the new/old version of Kim K.