A video is going viral on Reddit of an extreme road rage incident in Las Vegas that could have got seriously messy. A senior citizen is confronted by two bikers and, in response, pulls a gun on them. The terrified bikers suddenly drop their intimidation and back away. When the senior citizen speeds away, the bikers go in pursuit.
The footage is captured by a vehicle in traffic behind the incident in Rancho Oakey, Las Vegas. It starts with two bikers clearly intimidating a red vehicle, circling around it and blocking its path. At a traffic signal, one of the bikers dismounts and proceeds to angrily gesture at the red car. The biker even comes round to the driver’s side to remonstrate with the driver. As one Redditor pointed out, the biker’s behavior “looked like a carjacking attempt at that point.”
At this point, the person filming calls the police. She explains that the two bikers are harassing an elderly man in a red car, and she’s “not sure what they’re about to do.” Suddenly, the driver of the red car opens the door of his car and gets out pointing a gun at the lead biker. The biker immediately puts his hands in the air and backs away.
The woman filming apologizes to the police that she, understandably, panicked and confirms that the old man has a firearm.
Fortunately, the senior citizen doesn’t shoot and gets back in his car. Bizarrely, the bikers then flag down a fire engine and seem to try to suggest the elderly man in the car is the aggressor. As the woman filming points out on her call, however, she “has it all on video.“
The senior citizen in the red vehicle has had enough at this point. He pulls away from the scene of the incident, probably scared that he’s about to get in trouble despite the bikers’ harassment. Strangely, the bikers roar off in pursuit, presumably to further harass the elderly man who pulled a gun on them. As one Redditor ironically put it, “Chase after the guy that pulled a gun on you, that’s smart.”
The disturbing video shows that some people have no qualms about getting in the face of a senior citizen, who incidentally also has an elderly lady in the car with him. But when the elderly man fought back, the bikers panicked. As one commenter neatly put it, “Harassers easily fold when they realize they don’t have the upper hand anymore.” Another concurred, saying that “bikers [are] only tough in groups.”