Earlier today, Riot Games released a short teaser of their next champion for League of Legends: Zoe, Aspect of Twilight. After the release of Ornn, Riot has shown that their champions will only continue to become more and more unique. And difficult to master. Check out the video for Zoe below and see what I mean.
Well, she definitely has some personality, that’s for sure. In an evil way comparable to Veigar but maybe not as evil, because that little guy is crazy. Although we weren’t given much information on how her abilities will work within League of Legends, we can sort of take a guess based on the video. The gamechanger that Zoe brings to the table–much like Ornn’s ability to forge items anywhere on the Rift–is her ability to Flash (at least) twice before an extended cooldown stops her. No, not the Summoner Spell that you can use, but her own ability. Anyone playing Zoe will be smart not to bring Flash with them, as it won’t be needed. This ability will make taking Flash a more strategic pick instead of automatically picking it, as is the tradition.
Other champions, as shown in the video, can Flash but Zoe won’t be far behind. Remember, she can use her Flash-like ability at least twice before going into cooldown, so using your Flash when she’s around may prove to be pointless. Like Ahri and her ultimate ability. Now that there are more of these mobile champions hitting the rift, it’ll be interesting to see the importance of Flash as time progresses. Especially if it’s the case that Zoe actually steals abilities/Summoner’s Spells from her enemies.
Zoe’s other abilities include three orbs circling around her that which have the potential to either recharge her other abilities or steal other champions’ abilities. Go to 0:40 into the video and watch carefully as one of the orbs that Zoe uses on Jinx hits the ground with a blueish tint to it. Looks awfully like the Summoner Spell, Cleanse, is inside that little bubble. There’s also a Flash caught inside one of those bubbles. Seems interesting in regards to what I mentioned earlier… eh? She can also: use a slingshot-like attack that starts behind her then launches forward, summon an area-of-effect pad that knocks anybody caught inside of it out, and summon two portals that she can travel between. A very mobile champion, indeed.
What do you all think about Zoe? How will she impact League of Legends as a whole?
UPDATE (11/6/2017):
Riot Games released a more detailed breakdown of Zoe’s abilities. The full list is as follows:
Passive: More Sparkles! – After casting a spell, Zoe’s next basic attack deals bonus magic damage.
Q: Paddle Star – Zoe fires a star that deals magic damage in a small area and applies her passive. She can recast Q mid-flight to redirect the star to a new position near her. The star’s damage increases based on the distance it has traveled in a straight line.
W: Spell Thief – Enemy summoner spells and active item casts drop spell shards on the ground for an extended period of time. Some minions also drop a spell shard when killed by Zoe. Collecting a spell shard grants one cast of that spell or active item. When casting any summoner spell, Zoe briefly gains bonus movement speed and tosses missiles at the nearest enemy (prioritizing her nearest enemy Zoe’s attack target). Each missile can trigger her passive.rd
E: Sleepy Trouble Bubble – Zoe throws a ball that detonates on the first target hit, dealing magic damage and making the struck enemy drowsy. After a couple of seconds, drowsy enemies will briefly fall asleep and take extra damage from the next attack or spell. Whenever an enemy falls asleep, this ability’s cooldown is reduced. If the Bubble hits nothing, it lingers on the ground as a trap. If cast over a wall, it gains casting range.
R: Portal Jump – Briefly teleport to a targeted position, then teleport back. During the teleport you can use abilities and attack normally, and see over walls. However, you won’t be able to move.
So, as you can see, my and many others’ predictions about Zoe’s abilities weren’t exactly correct. Instead of having her own Flash-like ability, Zoe will have to wait for her enemies to use their Flash for her to take it, along with any other Summoner Spell. Spell Thief makes Zoe a more complex champion to master, especially when taking into account the rest of her abilities as well.