First Amendment auditors are a very new phenomenon, and are essentially regular Joes with a basic understanding of their Constitutional rights. In essence, they usually travel to public places like sidewalks, public libraries, or even police stations to “promote” open government and transparency. They can be a handful for police and authorities, as they fundamentally test the limits of freedom and the law. Recently, a group of First Amendment auditors were seen confronting a male Karen who totally lost his cool. The incident was caught on camera and shared to Reddit.
The video footage takes place outside of a post office and centers on a group of First Amendment auditors who are all masked, with their hoods up. “We’re gonna get your licence plate, bro,” exclaims one of the auditors to the male Karen donned in a black polo shirt and sunglasses. The male Karen appears frustrated and approaches one of the auditors and squares up with the one in a green hoodie. “Make a move, make a move,” threatens the male Karen. “Bro, you literally walked up to him.” utters one of the auditors.
“Take a swing at me and I’ll knock each and every one of you out.” fires back the male Karen in a macho way. He continues with: “Okay, swing at me. I’ll let you get in the first hit. I’ll let you get in the first hit, you punk a** b*****s! Do something. Take a swing!”
It’s at this point when things suddenly get real. The auditor in a green hoodie stoops down low for a moment and appears to be doing his laces, but this is simply a ruse. In a flash, the auditor delivers an ego-bruising uppercut that completely takes the male Karen by surprise. The sucker punch knocks the male Karen to the ground and sends his phone and glasses flying into the air. He struggles to his feet and composes himself, though it’s clear that he’s a little embarrassed about the outcome of this physical altercation.
Of course, as the viral clip is making waves right now, comments from across the internet came flying in.
Dude dropped loot like sonic drops rings when he gets hit.
A second commenter chimed in, penning: “He said he’d let them get the first hit. They indeed got that first hit.”
Elsewhere, a third netizen added: “First amendment auditors triggered someone who doesn’t like not being able to tell someone they can’t film in a public space“.
Lastly, one user asked what the context of the altercation was, and another commenter responded with, “First ammendment jerks arguing with male Karen jerk. Just a big old jerkfest really.”
Long story short, that male Karen gave the auditors exactly what they wanted. Really, the best way to deal with this new “social movement” when they’re seen out in the wild is to ignore them, as getting irate and confrontational with them is exactly the reaction that they’re looking for. Hopefully, the male Karen will simply ignore the next bunch of auditors next time he crosses paths with them.