Even though big cities have displaced nature, it’s common to see certain wild animals, especially in parks and green areas. Some animals that abound in the cities are birds like crows and pigeons or rats adapted to the sewers and garbage containers. This also depends on the ecosystems and climates of each town, but in some places, it’s fairly common to see cuter animals. As in this video on Reddit, a man found a bunny under the iconic The Bean in Chicago, but when he rescued it, he faced a much worse predator: A woman who flipped out when she saw how the man dared to touch the rabbit.
Redditor MileiMePioloABeluche shared on r/AbruptChaos a video where a man crouched down under The Bean, dragging something white from below. Everyone was surprised, in the video and in the comments, that the man had rescued a bunny from under the famous Chicago sculpture. Yet, when the rescuer tried to stand up with the bunny in hand, a white figure almost tackled them both. The camera zooms out and reveals a woman yelling at the man about leaving the bunny on the ground, insulting him, and calling him a liar. But the most unhinged thing that the woman shouted and that caught the attention of the spectators most was that she said:
It’s Gods Bunny B***h!
All the surrounding people look at the woman in disbelief, but she does not seem to be in a good state of mind.
I’m 47 years old and have been around a very wide variety of people in a very wide variety of circumstances.
That however, is the first time I’ve ever heard the word “bunny” said in an angry tone.
I have no idea how that rabbit got to the sculpture because even though it is in a large park zone, the green areas are large pastures without many places to hide. Also, there are busy streets surrounding these parks. Hopefully, the rabbit will end up in a better and safer place, away from the screaming woman.