The next installment of The Dark Pictures Anthology has been announced at the Gamescom Opening Night Live Pre-Show, with the upcoming game Directive 8020. Set to release in 2025, Directive 8020 has a sci-fi twist, as you ditch grounded creatures in ships and tombs for aliens in space. Most of The Dark Pictures Anthology titles boast impressive casts, and Directive 8020 is no exception, with Lashana Lynch in the lead role. You might recognize Lynch from her role in the MCU as Captain Maria Rambeau in Captain Marvel and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness or from her roles in No Time To Die and The Woman King.
Developed by Supermassive Games, Lynch plays Brianna Young, the pilot of the Cassiopeia, a spaceship. Burdened (and honored) with the task of saving a dying Earth, you follow the crew of the Cassiopeia on a distant planet that might hold the key to Earth’s survival until you find out that a shapeshifting alien is hunting them. In a title where you’re in control of the story, you can imagine how wild the possibilities could get when deciding who lives and dies.
There seem to be some body horror elements to the title as well, with some slimy pustules taking over the crew. It’s unclear who else will be in the title apart from Lynch, but that’s something that will surely be teased closer to Directive 8020’s release date. According to the PlayStation Blog, this will be the first title in the series to have real-time threats. Supermassive Games is boasting revamped and more polished gameplay to support this new sci-fi title, so there’s more than a little to get excited about.
Directive 8020 is set to release on