The annoying neighbor who hates it when others are happy or enjoy life is never far away. These bitter people prefer to try to make the lives of those around them miserable, even if there is no bond between them. The saddest thing is that the anger of these people does not even distinguish between ages, making children also part of their victims. This is similar to the video on TikTok in which some upset neighbors called the Maryland cops to stop some children from playing in the snow. How sad must your life be to want to ruin the fun of children who are not bothering anyone?
The user ceciarmy reposted a video on TikTok, which was originally from the official Instagram of the City of Hyattsville. In the video, the caption says that a neighbor called the Maryland Police Department, asking the cops to stop the children playing in the snow. The police officers didn’t waste any second in arriving at the location, but when they were assessing the situation, it took a very different direction. The cops started playing with the kids, using some tables to see who would slide down the hill faster. Meanwhile, another of the officers was the referee, giving instructions to start the races.
The Cops: Guys! Don’t skate here… without us 😅
Axel Facundo Ugarte
Many users were jealous of the cops and kids playing together and wanted to join in if they could. Surprisingly, some users also thanked the angry homeowner for calling the police department.
Thanks to the person who called the police, the children can now have fun without being disturbed.
This is a great moment to remember when cops and kids joined forces to beat a noisy Karen or Ken. Those kids had so much fun, but the police officers could spend a day playing like they were younger. If I had been in that place, I would have tried to join in the fun, too; not every day do you get to experience such a wonderful experience as this one.