Aaron McGruder, best known for the animated Adult Swim comedy The Boondocks and the currently-airing feel good comedy Black Jesus, is currently developing a new drama series with Straight Outta Compton producer Will Packer. There are few details known about the upcoming series, but we do know that Amazon Studios has picked up the rights to the show.
The new series has not even announced a title, and precious little is known about the storyline. Deadline reports that the show will be set in an alternate universe, somewhat reminiscent of Amazon’s hit The Man in the High Castle. Besides that vague premise and the writer/producer team, almost nothing is known about the project.
However, look at what a team this duo is. Aaron McGruder’s edgy comedy The Boondocks was one of the smartest shows of its time, and it even won a Peabody Award for its first season episode “Return of the King,” in which Huey tells a story where Martin Luther King Jr. was not actually assassinated. Instead, he sank into a coma, only to wake up thirty-two years later. Currently, McGruder’s Black Jesus is about to enter its third season on Adult Swim.
Besides producing the award winning Straight Outta Compton, Will Packer has had his hands in the production of several other hits, including Ride Along, Think Like a Man, The Wedding Ringer, and Stomp the Yard.
Although details are still scarce, this should be a project to keep a look out for. We’ll have more details on the project as they become available.
What type of “alternate universe” do you think McGruder and Packer are going to tackle? Let us know what you want to see out of their upcoming series in the comments below.