Another sunrise, another Karen. Yes, yet another pushy middle-aged woman with nothing better to do than to rain on other people’s parades has been spotted roaming the wild. Admittedly, this particular type is not as smug or stubborn as some of the Karens we’ve seen recently. But, she’s undoubtedly incredibly entitled, with a real mean streak.
In a viral clip that’s circulating across social media platforms right now, a mean-spirited Karen gets irate with a fisherman, and after a brief altercation, the Karen attempts to push the fisherman into the lake. Thankfully, her attempt is a massive fail, however. The footage was shared to Reddit recently for all to see.
[30 Jan Update – The Reddit post has been removed so I’ve embedded another video of the same incident down below]
The 23-second snippet of video footage takes place on a patch of grass on the edge of a lake, and appears to be recorded from the perspective of a nearby friend of the fisherman. From the left side of the frame enters a Karen sporting a blue hoody and grey jeans, who is out walking her two Yorkshire Terrier dogs. “You know there’s no fishing on this property, right?” the Karen exclaims, as she approaches the fisherman. “How about we try: you mind your business, and I’ll mind mine.” responds the fisherman.
“Oh, really?” the Karen fires back before doing something truly out of the ordinary: the Karen proceeds to barge the fisherman into the lake with her shoulder, though the force of her push just isn’t strong enough to topple the man. As a result, the Karen bounces off the fisherman and lands on the ground. “Oh, b*****d!” she retorts in frustration as she brushes herself off.
She then stands up and grabs the fisherman, declaring, “I like people who follow the goddamn rules. That’s what’s wrong.” In self defence, the man holds the Karen at arm’s length for a few moments. Next, the fisherman instructs his friend holding the camera to, “Call the cops.” The Karen then begins to back away, which is where the video clip ends. Accompanying the video are the words, “She tried to push him in the water for fishing lol“.
With over 2.7k upvotes and over 300 comments at the time of writing, the viral clip is proving popular over on Reddit, and is causing quite a stir on various social media platforms. Many comments are coming in criticising the Karen for her pushy and entitled behavior, with many calling out her actions as ‘assault‘.
on a serious note, these people need to be charged with assault. It’s absolutely ridiculous that they think they can behave like this.
Another netizen, meanwhile, added, “She assaults him, fails, and he’s the bastard?! Lmao“.
A third Redditor chimed in with, “Quick sidestep would have been the only thing funnier. Looks like she just ran into a brick wall.“
Lastly, a fourth commenter declared, “I love watching people like this, not get their way. It’s something satisfying/pleasing about it lol“.
Hopefully, police arrived on the scene shortly after, and the Karen learnt her lesson. Seriously, that sort of incredibly inappropriate and needlessly pushy behavior is just unacceptable. Even if the fisherman shouldn’t have been fishing in that spot in the first place, that doesn’t give you the right to push people into a lake. That’s just one or two steps too far, right?