Unfortunately, there aren’t safe spaces out in the world. No matter where you are, you must always be wary of those around you and their actions. Even worse, you can’t even trust educational professionals to keep your children safe at a daycare. A shocking video details a daycare teacher screaming at toddlers as old as three years old and as young as one to listen and pay attention, among other things. The video then spread to news networks where it was reported for even further criticism towards both the teacher and the school itself.
It’s unclear who exactly recorded the clip, but it is from the point of view of one of the toddler tables inside the Little Explorers daycare in Plymouth, Minnesota. The teacher in question, Katie Voigt, can be seen screaming at and berating the classroom full of toddlers, who, despite having their faces blurred out for their safety, are very clearly afraid of what is going on. In several instances, the teacher can even be seen carrying and then forcefully shoving a student into a chair.
Worse than her behavior is that it doesn’t appear that there are any other teachers in the room with Voigt. Regardless of what state you’re in, teachers must remain within ratio depending on how many students appear that day. The fact that several students are running around the classroom with only one teacher attempting to wrangle them all is unacceptable. Many people in the comments to the above video showcased their absolute rage towards the situation as a whole.
“The rage that just came over me … how ?! They are BABIES 💔”
After some research, it was declared by the school itself that Katie Voigt was fired from her position alongside others who were also responsible. However, there are no details to exactly how the classroom reached such a point of disarray. Hopefully, the parents of those students were able to get additional details about what happened to their children on that day.