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Vladimir Makarov tries to run a No Russian 2.0 mission in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 campaign, trying to frame Farah’s ULF forces as terrorists. However, the ULF leader won’t let down on trying to Stop this pretense. You play as Farah Karim in the MW3 – Modern Warfare 3 Crash Site mission, and your objective is to wipe the data on the plane’s black box to defuse Makarov’s plan. Here’s everything you need to know about the MW3 Crash Site mission and all its weapon locations and objectives.
MW3 Crash Site Weapon Locations
- SA-B 50
- M4
- Raal MG
- Lockwood 680
- Crossbow
- Heartbeat Sensor
- Munition Box
- Kastov 762
- Victus XMR
- Armor Box
There are a total of 10 weapons and gear to obtain in the Crash Site Modern Warfare 3 mission. As this mission is not in a building with 11 floors like in Highrise, you can find all the gear very easily by going to the marked locations on the map above. Remember that the number of the mentioned weapons matches the number you see on the map.
What Are The Objectives of The Crash Site Modern Warfare 3 Mission?
- 1. Eliminate targets and find the phones near the crash site.
- 2. Hack every phone you can find.
- 3. Go to the center building that has a sentry gun and hack the plane’s black box inside.
- 4. Head towards Alex and save him to escape.
You start the Crash Site Modern Warfare 3 mission with a silenced Striker SMG and an NVG to activate if needed. Moving down the road, you’ll face two guards on the right-hand side. Drop them and go right up the hill where there’s an ascender and a zipline to use. After you’ve taken the zipline, you’ll be in a solid position where you can take down every guard around you.
Here, you’ll need to be looking for four mobile devices near the crash site. They’re marked on your tac-map, and you’ll find even more than four of them on the map. Hack four, and you’ll receive a new marker on the main house in the middle of the map. Here’s where you can find the plane’s black box in the Modern Warfare 3 Crash Site mission. Wipe the device, and it’s time to call it a day for this operation.
Alex waits for you on top of the hill that you used the zipline in the beginning. However, the Konni soldiers have captured him, which means you need to quickly go for the rescue and take down three targets. Mission accomplished; good job, commander.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is currently available to play on PS5, PS4,