If it sounds like synthwave and looks like an ’80s anime / psychedelic nightmare, it must be Mullet MadJack. HAMMER95’s retro FPS earned every bit of its Overwhelmingly Positive rating on Steam, and now it’s even better. The game’s newest update adds a Boss Rush mode, letting you vanquish a series of fatal foes before your life clock runs out. Even if you don’t fancy climbing the leaderboards, there’s another reason to be hyped: the Ultrakill crossover. Mullet MadJack is teaming up with the frenetic indie shooter to bring one of its most iconic bosses into Madjack‘s world.
Mullet MadJack, Boss Rush, and Ultrakill

Shooting robot billionaires, saving an influencer princess like you’re Millenial Mario, and having luscious locks Billy Ray Cyrus could only dream of: that’s what Mullet MadJack‘s about. Well, now it’s also about Boss Rush mode. That said, it’s clear the mode’s intended as a side dish, not an entree. It’s not as fleshed out as Classic and Endless, but that’s not the point. It’s trim and hyperactive even by MadJack‘s standards. That makes it a good way to brush up on your boss-killing while you kill a few hours. The fact that it features an Ultrakill boss only sweetens the deal.
It’s a crossover that makes a lot of sense. Ultrakill‘s stylized violence pairs perfectly with MadJack’s consumerist satire. Ultrakill isn’t even out of early access yet and is already teaming up with some of the most fun and flashiest FPS newcomers. What better proof of its quality do you need? If you haven’t already scratched that trigger finger itch for a stylish FPS, Mullet MadJack is a fine pick to close out the year. Just make sure you pack plenty of bullets and styling gel. Robot billionaires and mullets don’t take care of themselves.