The truth about what perspired between Demi Moore and Kylie Jenner at the 2025 Golden Globes has finally come to light. The prestigious award ceremony was not without its drama after a viral video showed the older actress allegedly snubbing the socialite. However, Moore’s daughter, Tallulah Willis, has come out to defend her mom from the popular narrative, saying it wasn’t a cold shoulder.
Tallulah, who partied all night with Moore in honor of her Best Female Actor in a Film win, took to her Instagram to clear the air. Along with a screenshot of a headline reporting the snub, she noted she was “nipping this straight in the bud.” Tallulah explained her family’s connection with Elle Fanning, who sat at the table next to Jenner and Timothee Chalamet. “We spent New Year with Elle, so [my mom] connecting with her after a win was a very organic thing to do. This angel was in total shock and delight and moving throughout a warm room of well-wishers,” she wrote of her mom’s actions. The daughter of Moore and Bruce Willis then shut down reports of any drama, writing:
“There was not [sic] snub of any sort, had she seen KJ wanting to congratulate her she would have fully given her the time and space.”
Concluding her passionate speech, the 30-year-old urged trolls to “give it all a break” and let Moore “enjoy her accomplishments!”
Demi Moore ‘Doesn’t Know’ Kylie Jenner, Says Source
Tallulah’s explanation was echoed by a separate source who spoke to Daily Mail about Demi’s feelings.
“Demi doesn’t know Kylie. Demi raised her children in a much different manner than the Kardashians were raised, and they have different values. Demi is an actress. Kylie was there because she is dating Timothée Chalamet.”
The insider noted that the Striptease actress greatly respects Chalamet and his talent. However, her perceived attitude to Jenner had nothing to do with him. “She simply didn’t even acknowledge her presence,” the informant added.
In the viral video, Moore was chatting enthusiastically with Fanning about her win when Kylie tried to join in. Unfortunately, her contribution was barely acknowledged, causing her to turn away. Afterward, Moore turned to Chalamet, who was on the other side. The pair had a friendly chat, but the KUWTK remained unacknowledged, not joining the conversation.
Online fans immediately interpreted the clip as a sign of trouble between Moore and Jenner. Some even speculated that the 62-year-old was interested in Chalamet — given her history with Ashton Kutcher — hence the snub. Hopefully, Tallulah’s explanation puts an end to the negative speculations.