A new video has surfaced featuring Phoenix, Arizona, police officers telling a father to hit his own 16-year-old child. More specifically, the officer said, “So if you wish to beat him, you can beat him. If you wish to belt him, belt him.” Unfortunately, it wasn’t just one officer who told the man that he should beat his son; another officer can be seen telling the boy himself that his father should hit him. Unfortunately, that isn’t the video’s worst or even most shocking part.
In the above video, a police officer can be seen inside a home, speaking with the father of the house about his son. It is unclear what the conversation is about exactly, but the father explains that he cannot force his child to do anything or follow any rules. This is when the officer chimes in with his parenting advice.
Just after the police officers tell the boy that his father should beat him, the minor is then seen showing that same officer something on his phone. For whatever reason, the officer decides to take the phone from his hand, and when the boy reaches for it, he is beaten to the ground. While on the ground, the cops pulled the 16-year-old’s arms behind his back to handcuff him. However, while doing this, they break the boy’s wrist.
“Can’t say I’m surprised. It’s heartbreaking yes but unfortunately it’s not just phx, it’s everywhere.”
Fortunately, the boy and his father are seeking $500,000 in reparations from the city of Phoenix. The event itself happened in 2024, but the video was only recently revealed as part of the trial that’s arisen from it. Unfortunately, cases concerning police brutality in any form have only risen recently. Hopefully, the officer in question was relieved from his job to ensure he was never able to do this again.