This week will see the release of the somewhat controversial Ghostbusters reboot. Despite some of the good reviews it has been receiving, even from well-known actors, people still want to hate on the reboot of the 1980’s film. Some of those reasons stem from people who are upset that the Ghostbusters themselves are female. While some of the hate is rooted in sexism, there are some legitimate reasons as to why you might not want to see it. Here are a few reasons why it is OK to not want to see the new Ghostbusters:
Distaste for the actors/director
Melissa McCarthy. She can be funny when she has good material to work with. Yet, I personally don’t care for her work. the movie Bridesmaids was great because of her, but the years that followed she just keeps getting typecasted. Same with the likes of Kristin Wiig. Wiig is great on SNL and a few of her films. I mention this because people have different tastes. In my case, I don’t care for Melissa McCarthy and Kristin Wiig as actors. Yeah! They can be funny at times but nothing else resonates with me.

I can also say the same about the director. Paul Feig, who isn’t that great of a director, in my honest opinion. The only movie I believe to be good by him is Bridesmaids. Of course, this is just my opinion. I have my own set of preferences. You can too. That is why it is OK for you to not want to see Ghostbusters.
The Marketing
One of the ways you get people into a theater is with marketing. If you market a film poorly, of course, people won’t go see it. They are turned off by the film if the trailer was bad. People might be disgusted with seeing promotion after promotion like with Papa Johns or Progressive Insurance or the video game tie-in. Based on the trailers alone, Ghostbusters was definitely poorly marketed.
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Each of the trailers was poorly received, even by critics. The first trailer is still the most disliked video on YouTube. Now that isn’t to say the final product will be bad. Sometimes trailers and movies are complete opposites. Movies can be bad but have really great trailers and vice versa. If the critics are any indication, then it will be the case of a bad trailer, but good film.
It just isn’t the trailer. There is product placement being forced more than any other film in recent memory. With Ghostbusters being an already established name, do we really need to be sold on this film so much? What we need to be shown is if the movie is good or not, which some of the trailers show otherwise. My personal experience tells me people won’t go to a movie if they’re being annoyed with commercials and trailers. Maybe it will work on some, but a lot it won’t.
People will say if you don’t like this movie, you are sexist. We need to understand that now. When I write my review Friday morning, I will state why I think the movie was not good, if I didn’t care for it. With that said, I am going in with an open mind. But I digress…

The director, Sony Studio execs, and even critics bash people who say anything negative towards this film. When it turned out the trailer wasn’t well received, the director Paul Feig called those people “a***holes”. Sony execs called those people “snobs” and “adult men who live in their parents’ basements with no life.” This is not the best approach when trying to get people to see your movie. I almost decided to not even see Ghostbusters because of the comments made about those who weren’t interested in the movie. Don’t get me wrong, there are some who have their beliefs based on sexist ideas, but there are those who aren’t.

Either way, with Ghostbusters hitting this weekend, already beating Secret Life of Pets in pre-ticket sales, it will make some money at the box office , with or without those who aren’t interested in seeing it. If you are someone who doesn’t want to see the movie, just know that it is OK as long as you have a legitimate reason. Just don’t be sexist.
Are you seeing Ghostbusters this weekend? Why or why not? Sound off in the comments below! Also, check back with The Nerd Stash for the review within the next day or so!