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Searching for resources is a major part of Once Human. The further your progress, the more you will start needing specific items to craft particular builds. One of the items that becomes more and more infrequent as you play is Electronic Parts. They’re needed for in-game vehicles and a ton of craftables in the Gear, Weapons, and Synthesis Bench workstations. Let’s take a look at how to easily farm Electronic Parts to make your life a little easier.
Finding Electronic Parts in Once Human
Electronic Parts are easy to come by as you progress in Once Human because they can primarily be found in Level 30 areas. More specifically, I would head to the Mirage Monolith at (6473, -2773). The area is home to several items that you can pick up and disassemble later to collect Electronic Parts from.

The best way to farm the area for these parts is to collect absolutely everything you can as often as you can. Personally, I try not to disassemble anything at the Disassembly Station at my base until I’ve collected well over 70 pieces of junk items. The more of these items you collect, the bigger the haul will be once you break it all down. After going through the Monolith myself and following my own advice, I was able to yield 41 pieces of Electronic Parts in my Disassembly Bench.
Another way to farm Electronic Parts is to consistently run the Shadow Hound boss until you have the amount you want. Specifically, a player can gather about 25 Electronic Parts per run. With a maximum group of four players, you should easily be able to take down the Shadow Hound and farm it for crafting resources.
What Do Electronic Parts Do?
Electronic Parts are used to craft various items within the Synthesis Bench in Once Human. Some of the items that can be crafted include:
- Vortex Generator.
- Projection Generator.
- Improved Claymore Mine
For the most part, items that require some sort of electrical charge, like batteries and fuses, will always require several Electronic Parts to work. It can be hard to get that many, but using the methods above will help yield larger hauls whenever you go out into the wilderness.
Once Human is available to play now on PC and mobile devices.