OnceUponATee.Net dropped us a couple of really cool shirts in the mail and we wanted to share them with you. But first, for those of you who have not visited their site, we want to give you a little information about this company. OnceUponATee.Net sells t-shirts, as well as other items, that feature work from artists around the world. The t-shirts are displayed and sold on their website for a week. Every Monday morning this website introduces a new collection of custom, exclusive t-shirts for the week and they only cost $12.00 each! After the sale ends, that t-shirt is retired and those who took advantage of the sale will get their product shipped to them, “hot off the press.” You can sign up for their newsletter to get updates on the products they have to offer.
They also offer different subscription options:
For $9.99 per month, you can sign up for the Monthly Legend. Each month, with this subscription, you receive a shirt inspired by the Hero of Time that has never been printed anywhere else. Also, for $9.99 per month, they offer the Monthly Companion which gives you a shirt inspired by Doctor Who and is only available from OnceUponaTee.net. Another cool option they offer is the Monthly Random Grab Bag andMonthly Whovian Grab Bag. These Grab Bags start at $6.99 and you can receive up to three (3) random shirts per month. You can choose the random option or if you would prefer Doctor Who inspired t-shirts you can go with the Whovian Grab Bag. Each monthly subscription option comes with an added bonus of becoming eligible to win even more stuff. And, if you Use Promo code “TheNerdStash” you will get 5% off subscriptions or any order!
So, now let’s look at the two shirts we received in the mail.

This t-shirt, designed by Legendary Phoenix, is obviously a Game of Thrones inspired design. Although it is not available on OnceUponATee.Net, you can find it on their sister site, WeHeartGeeks for $19.99. To be a “Watcher on the Wall”, you must take this oath:
[su_quote url=”https://www.dccomics.com/characters/reverse-flash”]Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night’s Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.[/su_quote]
Now that’s commitment!
The other shirt we received from OnceUponATee.Net was this really cool design with Baymax from Big Hero 6, who has apparently gone to the “dark side.” Now, he is “Big Hero Sith”! I really liked this shirt because our family LOVES Baymax and most of us are fans of Star Wars, too! What a great combination! Two great movies!

So, once again, OnceUponATee.Net sent us some really cool items. One feature we haven’t mentioned is the fact that some of these designs are available in a fitted t-shirt, hoodie and other possibilities. The site has something to offer everyone regardless of age, gender or size!
There are four featured designs that will be a featured and available through Sunday, October 11th. Here is a preview:

They are taking orders for the November Subscriptions and you have until the end of October to get your order in! We encourage you to check out this unique and fun website and all the custom, exclusive t-shirts available. Remember, the collections change on Mondays. When you visit the website, make sure to Use Promo code “TheNerdStash” for 5% off all subscriptions or any order!