Amidst the devastating fires currently hitting California, massive amounts of people have been affected, including Paris Hilton, who lost her Malibu home and watched it go down on live television. Though, most of the celebrities currently hurting, including Hilton, have taken the opportunity to give back and help those in need as much as they can.
After tuning into ACB7, Paris took to Instagram with a recorded video of her television screen and a heartbreaking message about the current fires blazing through Los Angeles.
Heartbroken beyond words. Sitting with my family, watching the news, and seeing our home in Malibu burn to the ground on live TV is something no one should ever have to experience. This home was where we built so many precious memories. It’s where Phoenix took his first steps and where we dreamed of building a lifetime of memories with Landon.
While the loss is overwhelming, I’m holding onto gratitude that my family and pets are safe. My heart and prayers are going out to every family affected by these fires. To all the people who have lost their homes, their memories, and their beloved pets. My heartaches for those still in harm’s way or mourning greater losses. The devastation is unimaginable. To know do many are waking up today without the place they called home is truly heartbreaking.
“Heartbroken,” and grief stricken, Paris is taking a different approach to the devastation than others are. Rather than dwelling on the great loss she and her family have suffered, she wants to do everything she can to help others through their suffering. She’s decided that, with the help of her 11:11 Media Impact Team, she’ll be working with nonprofit organizations to “figure out how we can best support the communities impacted by these fires.“
She continues by saying she’s “committed to offering help as soon as possible and making a meaningful difference for those who need it most.” It seems, quite a few of her fans are singing her praises, as they thank her for being so “nice,” and caring, as well as using her “privilege to help people.” Regardless of the devastation and pain the wildfires have caused, some people are doing their best to help ease other’s pain, in this time of “crisis” and to “mobilize” resources to help as much as possible.