Say what you want about the Power Rangers but damn, do they have staying power.
It was twenty-two years ago in the dark ages of the early nineties (1993 to be exact), that some genius tv executive hit upon the idea. What if they bought the rights to use the footage of one of Japan’s many super sentai shows and spliced it with new footage to make an original storyline? From this cost cuttingly brilliant idea, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were born. Not only were the production costs dirt cheap because all the action scenes were pre-filmed, but kids loved the idea as well. The idea that a floating head in a jar might one day give them a dohickey that turned them into a helmeted superhuman was every kid’s dream.

Twenty-two years later, teams have come and gone, but the Power Rangers keep on going. In fact, 2017 is going to be a big year for the teenagers with attitude. Not only is their new big budget movie coming out, but also their deal with Nickelodeon runs out. What will happen to the Power Rangers after that? Well, if Collider is to be believed, everyone’s favorite teenage super team will become a Netflix exclusive.
This might not seem like too big of a deal at first, but remember what other shows are Netflix exclusive? One example springs to mind; Daredevil. Marvel’s differently-abled superhero has been striking gold as far as the reviewers are concerned. Netflix is quite the powerhouse; to the point that ‘Netflix and chill’ is a legitimate dating option these days. If they are prepared to pony up the money for exclusivity, they must be pretty confident about the Power Rangers’ potential.
It’s beginning to look like the Power Rangers might last another twenty-two years.