Title: Preacher “The Possibilities”
Network: AMC
Air Date: June 12th, 2016
Genre: Black Comedy, Horror
I said it before and I’ll say it again… I love Preacher. For me so far it has such a perfect blend of action, comedy, and drama that I am just hooked. The opening of the episode was so sincere and I was like “whoa,” Tulip is about to make moves for this woman. Then out of nowhere comes the “I’m not killing your husband” and they get down to business on another matter entirely. I really just love that type of comedy but in that scene, we do begin to see that there is a much deeper event when it comes to Jesse and Tulip that is the reason why she has sought him out after all this time. Then those two guys are back, just who and what are they? Well, we find out sure enough… sure enough.
I really enjoyed getting more insight into Tulip in this episode, because I have to say, as sweet as her entrance was in the Pilot, I was very iffy on her. Don’t get me wrong… I love Ruth Negga as an actress but I really didn’t feel any emotion about her initially. However, after this episode of Preacher, I am really turning around for her as a character. I especially liked the scene with the police officer where she was simultaneously trying to get out of a speeding ticket by telling a real truth of a story but at the same time being ready to kill that cop if he didn’t let her go. That shows a focus and emotion beyond what I feel that we’ve seen so far so that’s a solid turnaround for me.
We also got a good chunk more of the backstory of Tulip and Jesse. Something happened with an unknown man named Carlos, who apparently is a pretty bad dude aside from the fact that he screwed over both of them. It’s a pretty intense flashback shot where we see a long haired Jesse standing over a guard or police officer he seemingly just shot in the head and a car speeding off that we can only imagine is Carlos. With Tulip seeking out Jesse, it seems clear now that she is bent on revenge and knows Jesse will be as well and convinces him for a moment here to go along with her. She still believes this whole Preacher business is just an act with Jesse and he’ll be back to his old ways soon.
I continue to find Joe Gilgun hilarious as Cassidy in Preacher, who in this episode had a number of great comical scenes. In the scene where Jesse is showing him the power he has discovered, I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. The whole hopping on one leg business and finding out he secretly likes Justin Bieber was such a good scene and not only because of the comedic element, but also because it showed how Jesse could easily get carried away with his power. I’m sure that will play a big part in the episodes to come given Jesse’s history and who wouldn’t struggle with potentially abusing that power if you had it?

Finally, we found out who those two mystery men are in another comical scene with Cassidy. Fans of the comics already had a pretty good idea of who these individuals were but it was cemented in another scene at the church. These men are angels from Heaven and apparently if they don’t get whatever is inside of Jesse back into the container they tried to extract it to before, more people will die. Cassidy of course is now concerned for his friend so he offers to talk to him for the Angels and explain the situation. I can only imagine this will have hilarious and potentially dark consequences.

Odin continued to have a small role here but we will be seeing much more of him in the next episode. However, we did get a pretty intense scene with Donnie and Jesse. Donnie has been taking quite a beating from the folks around town who have all heard about what Jesse did to him in the bar in the Pilot episode, making him make that “bunny” noise. Odin even makes a sly comment about having a right hand man who can’t even use his right hand. This clearly has all gotten to Donnie who portrays himself as a tough guy but when facing someone like Jesse, really isn’t very tough at all. Well, he gets more than he bargained for when he ended up confronting Jesse and quickly found himself with his own gun in his mouth. This was a very important scene because Jesse begins to understand how he can use this power for good, but we also saw how quickly it can get out of control just like we saw with Cassidy.

We also got more of an idea into the mystery of Arseface and it seems that the girl who Jesse got to open her eyes is connected to Arseface in some way. Arseface talks about visiting her but Sheriff Root quickly interjects and asks him if he wants to get himself killed. Perhaps when Arseface tried to kill himself it was Tracy that he also ended up hurting and it’s the reason she’s in the condition she is in now. In the Preacher comics, Arseface is a villain so it’s certainly a possibility that Tracy and the events surrounding how everything came to be will be the main catalyst for his villainous turn.
- Characters: A new mystery man in a hat and a little more of Odin. Cassidy remains hilarious
- Story: Jesse understands he has a power and we find out our two mystery men are from heaven
- Cinematography: An intense flashback shot with Jesse
- Acting: Joe Gilgun, Dominic Cooper, and Ruth Negga are all great here.